Some scientists say time travel is theoretically possible, at least if you want to jump ahead tothe future, but don't start saving up for a time machine just yet. As physicist Paul Daviesexplained for CNN in 2013, "Over a century ago, Albert Einstein showed that time isintrinsically elastic, capable of being stretched or shrunk by motion."
Essentially the closer you're going to the speed of light, the slower time moves. "Fly to the starVega, 25 light years away, and back again at 99% of the speed of light, and when you return toEarth in 2062, you will have experienced only seven years' travel time in the spacecraft. Ineffect, you will have leaped 42 years into Earth's future," Davies wrote.
So if you were to, theoretically, take a trip in a super-fast spaceship, you might feel (and look)as though only a few years had passed, but when you arrived back on Earth, decades wouldhave passed and all your friends and family would be dead and gone. Time travel!
But what about going backwards? Could it ever be possible to pop back in time and stop badthings from happening and good people from dying? Theoretically, if you were to travel fasterthan the speed of light, you would be moving backwards in time, according to one hypothesisLiveScience reported.
But most scientists believe that nothing can actually travel faster than light, and, if you could goback in time, messing with the past would create all kinds of unsolvable paradoxes, like theGrandfather Paradox.
Although some theories have attempted to propose workarounds for these inconvenient time-travel problems, it remains a pretty widely held belief that traveling backwards in time isn'tpossible for us humans. After all, as physicist Stephen Hawking said in his book A Brief Historyof Time, "If time travel is possible, where are the tourists from the future?"
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