This analogy, which comes from Tim Adams, president of the Institute of International Finance(IIF), an industry association, frames the challenge for Beijing as it seeks to boost the powerof a consumer-oriented “new economy” that relies on service industries, technological upgradingand greener living.
这个类比出自国际金融协会(Institute of International Finance)主席蒂姆•亚当斯(Tim Adams),它形容的是中国在寻求从消费导向型“新经济”中获得更大动力时所面临的挑战。“新经济”依赖于服务业、技术升级以及更加环保的生活方式。
“Over time, the hybrid will increasingly provide the needed propulsion, though it currentlylacks the torque to get over the hills or when it is facing headwinds,” Mr Adams said.
So what progress is Beijing making in building a “new economy”? How smooth is its transitionaway from the current power-hungry, investment-dependent model likely to be?
Some auguries appear positive. An analysis of 2015 financial results by Wind Information, adata company, shows the clear outperformance of “new economy” corporates listed ondomestic A-share markets compared with their “old” economy counterparts.
一些征兆似乎比较乐观。数据提供商万得资讯(Wind Information)对上市企业2015年财报所作的分析表明,与传统经济板块的A股上市企业相比,“新经济”上市企业的表现明显更加出色。
With 68 per cent of A-share-listed companies having reported results, “new economy”companies — defined as those in the accommodation, business services, informationtechnology, science and research, transportation and retail sectors — posted averageearnings per share of Rmb0.48 last year, up from Rmb0.45 in 2014, according to WindInformation.
The 2015 earnings-per-share value for A-share companies was the highest since an averageRmb0.5 hit in 2011 when China’s GDP expanded by an official 9.5 per cent.
By contrast, “old economy” sectors — defined as agriculture, construction, utilities,manufacturing, mining and real estate — suffered a decline in average earnings per share lastyear to Rmb0.33, down from Rmb0.35 in 2014 and off a recent high of Rmb0.52 in 2010,according to Wind.
In a further sign that the transition is under way, the best performing sectors were allmainstays of the service-oriented economy: financial services, science and research, wholesaleand retail and sanitation. At the other end of the spectrum were industrial conglomerates andmining sectors, both of which registered a net loss per share.
But in spite of these signs that a corporate-level transition is under way, from amacroeconomic perspective, the evidence is less compelling.
China’s problem is that, while many of its new economy firms may be vibrant, profitable andinnovative, they comprise too small a portion of the economy to dominate the investmentnarrative.
This reality shows up in China’s official industrial survey, which covers almost all companies ofsignificant size in the country — some 328,000 in total compared with the cohort of 2,828 A-share-listed companies.
Louis Kuijs, head of Asia economic at research firm Oxford Economics, calculated that theaverage profit margin of companies in the survey fell to 5.8 per cent in 2015, down from arecent high of more than 7.6 per cent in 2010.
研究机构牛津经济(Oxford Economics)亚洲经济部主任高路易(Louis Kuijs)推算,2015年,接受调查的企业的平均利润率下降至5.8%,而2010年创下的近年纪录高点超过7.6%。
Jianguang Shen, chief economist of Mizuho Securities Asia, also tempers his enthusiasm forthe “new economy”.
瑞穗证券亚洲(Mizuho Securities Asia)首席经济学家沈建光对“新经济”的热情也有些下降。
“I believe in the long run, the new sectors will be able to offset the old sectors but, over thenext two years, they will be unable to do so,” he said.
Indeed, the sharp bifurcation in fortunes is evident not only between industry sectors.
The map of China too shows a gulf between seven northerly provinces that posted nominalGDP growth of less than 2 per cent last year and central and southern counterparts, whichexpanded at a considerably faster clip.
These northern provinces are home to a disproportionate concentration of mining, metals andother heavy industries that have sustained most of the pain inherent in China’s transition.
If China senses an obvious loss of torque, it may not be long before it starts to rev up itstraditional, investment-dependent motors.
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