
时间:2016-03-14 09:45:32  / 编辑:Abby
   America’s largest technology companies have joinedApple’s fight against the government over dataprotection and security, in an unusual display of unity by the Silicon Valley rivals.


  More than a dozen motions filed on Thursday sided with Apple as it tries to resist a demand towrite software that would help the FBI unlock the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone. Civil libertiesgroups and IT trade associations lined up alongside dozens of law professors and cryptographyexperts, after Apple filed its own motion for the judicial order to be withdrawn last week.


  “If the government prevails, then this case will be the first of many requiring companies todegrade the security and to undermine the trust in their products so essential to privacy inthe digital age,” the American Civil Liberties union   wrote in its brief.

  美国公民自由联盟(American Civil Liberties union  )在其案情摘要中写道:“如果政府获胜,那么此案将催生许多要求企业降低安全和自毁人们对其产品信任的案子,而在这个数字化时代,安全和信任对于隐私有着至关重要的意义。”

  James Comey, FBI chief, warned at a congressional hearing this week of the dangers of creating“warrant-proof spaces”, saying: “The tools we use to keep you safe are becoming less and lesseffective.”

  FBI局长詹姆斯•科米(James Comey)本周在美国国会听证会上针对造就“抗令状空间”的危险发出警告,他表示:“我们用来保护人们安全的手段正逐渐失去效力。”

  In one heavyweight grouping led by Google, Microsoft, Facebook and Amazon, 15 techcompanies collectively worth more than $2tn said the government’s order against Apple“exceeds the bounds of existing law and, when applied more broadly, will harm Americans’security in the long run”.


  The companies, who also include Cisco, Dropbox, Snapchat and Yahoo and are together usedby billions of people around the world, noted that they “often compete vigorously with Apple— and with each other” but “here speak in one voice because of the singular importance of thiscase to them and their customers”. Users were demanding increased protection from hackersas they store more and more personal information on devices such as smartphones, they said.


  While being careful to note that they were not “shielding those who break the law”, the groupsaid it wanted to resist the government’s attempt to “commandeer a company’s own engineersto undermine their products’ data security features”. If their engineers were forced to rewritetheir software in this way, “those new versions would not be the same product any more. Boxwould not be Box; Gmail would not be Gmail; WhatsApp would not be WhatsApp; and so on”.


  A second group of tech companies including Airbnb, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit and eBay made aseparate filing accusing the government of “circumventing the procedures adopted byCongress” to “enlist the judiciary in re-writing laws without engaging in an essential publicdebate”.





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