The incident highlights the challenges of programming machines to deal with the sort of socialsituations that humans encounter every day on the roads, but which are beyond robots toresolve, experts said.
It also threatens to cast an unflattering light on the technology at a time when Google isfighting a proposed California rule requiring autonomous vehicles to have human drivers onhand to override their controls in emergencies.
However, the company suggested that the accident would have occurred even if a human hadbeen at the wheel, while adding that it had already adjusted its algorithms to take account ofthe lessons from the scrape.
“There are all sorts of social clues that people abide by that are hard to program into a car,”said Jerry Kaplan, a serial technology entrepreneur and author of a recent book on robotics. “There was nothing terrible about this, no one got hurt or killed. But it will be a long time beforethe cars can be driven in heavily used streets and abide by the same social conventions peopleuse.”
连续创建多家科技企业的杰里•卡普兰(Jerry Kaplan)表示:“人类遵循的一些形形色色的社会线索,很难被编入汽车程序。这曾经没什么可怕的,没人因此受伤或死亡。不过,现在距无人驾驶汽车在繁忙的街道上行驶并遵守人类遵守的社会习俗,还有很长一段时间。”卡普兰近期出版了一本有关机器人的著作。
In a filing with the California Department of Motor Vehicles, Google said its car had been tryingto pull out into slow-moving traffic on Valentine’s Day when a bus driver did not slow to leaveroom, causing a minor collision.
谷歌在提交给加州机动车辆管理局(Department of Motor Vehicles)的一份文件中表示,情人节这天,当一辆谷歌无人驾驶汽车试图变道并入缓慢移动的车流时,一名大巴司机并没有减速留出空间,导致两辆车发生轻微碰撞。
In a blog post on Monday, it blamed the accident on a “tricky set of circumstances” causedpartly by an adjustment it had made to the car’s algorithms weeks earlier to help it drive morelike a human.
“This is a classic example of the negotiation that’s a normal part of driving — we’re all tryingto predict each other’s movements,” the company said. “We clearly bear some responsibility.”However, it also said that a Google employee in the car had also believed there was room topull out.
The car had pulled close to the side of the road to make a turn, leaving room for other vehiclesthat were carrying on straight ahead to pass in the same lane — a manoeuvre Google said ithad programmed into the car to make it a more considerate driver.
After finding its path was blocked by sandbags that had been placed round a drain, the car wasforced to move back out into the line of traffic, causing the accident.
Google said it had already programmed lessons from the accident into its software, along withits findings from running simulations of thousands of similar situations.
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