What will be interesting would be to see if the world'sbiggest telecom equipment maker is able to translateits success story in smartphones market to the PCsector, where demand is languishing in majormarkets.
Huawei is working with chipmaker Intel Corp on a PC that is scheduled to be unveiled inFebruary, Shanghai-based news site yicai.com said on Monday. The report did not disclosewhat kind of device the Shenzhen, Guangdong-based vendor will launch.
Huawei sources said on condition of anonymity that the company may release at least onetablet device at the upcoming Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, next month.
Nicole Peng, research director of Canalys China, a market research firm based in Shanghai, saidHuawei may choose to enter the PC market even if it is hard to attain profits immediately. ButHuawei will also need to overcome a series of challenges to make the PC idea work. said Peng.
"The PC market, including tablets, is undergoing a tough time with even Apple seeing stagnanttablet sales," Peng said, adding the enterprise market could be more important to Huawei asthere are still considerable revenue opportunities.
彭路平说:“目前PC(包括平板电脑)市场正处于困境中,连苹果的平板电脑销售也停滞不前。” 增加企业市场对华为可能更重要,因为这样仍然有获得可观收入的机会。
"But Huawei needs to leverage the business-to-business channel to sell PCs instead of usingthe current retail channel. A big challenge for them," according to Peng.
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