从周一曝光的设计图中可以看到,传说中的iPad Air 3可能不仅配备四个扬声器,还将为后置摄像头添加LED补光灯。
The source of the information isn't fully reliable, buthas previously been accurate in two out of threeoccasions, said French site Nowhereelse.
Doubling speaker ports would take the Air in the direction of the iPad Pro, giving it both loudersound and true stereo panning. An LED flash may be less likely, since while many people do useiPads for photography and scanning documents, Apple has consciously left flashes off of everyprevious iPad model — including the Pro.
iPad Pro 把扬声器加倍到四个,iPad Air 3 将保留此项配置,以保证更大的外放音量和完美的立体声平移。相比之下,添加LED补光灯听起来很不现实,毕竟在很多用户使用iPad拍照和扫描的情况下,苹果公司并没有在包括iPad Pro在内的平板产品中配备补光灯。
Apple may want as many upgrades as possible to entice people to buy the Air. iPad sales havebeen declining for the past several quarters, and lower-cost Minis are now the most popularsize format, although the Air 2 is the best-selling individual model.
为了吸引用户购买,苹果公司可能希望尽可能多的进行产品升级。iPad销售量在过去的几个季度中持续下滑,虽然iPad Air 2是最热卖的单品,但是价格较低的iPad Mini系列产品目前看来是最受欢迎的尺寸。
A third-gen Air is expected to ship sometime in the first half of 2016. Little else is known aboutit, though it will presumably play catch-up with the Pro through a faster processor.
iPad Air 第三代产品有望在2016年上半年发布。该产品可能会配有比iPad Pro更快的处理器,除此之外目前没有更多的消息泄露出来。
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