Yet companies old and new want to convince us that humanity has a drinking problem. New“smart cups” from Thermos and San Francisco-based start-up Mark One use an array ofsensors that beam users’ real-time data about water consumption to a smartphone app. Butdoes such a simple act as drinking really need all this tech?
然而,新老公司都想让我们相信人类在喝水上存在问题。膳魔师(Thermos)和旧金山初创企业Mark One的新款“智能杯”通过一组传感器将用户的实时饮水数据传送到智能手机应用上。然而,像喝水这样简单的行为真的需要这些科技吗?
Being well hydrated can make us feel more alert and focused, as well as boosting our immunesystem. The apocryphal advice of eight glasses of water a day is actually a little less than the2.7 litres recommended for women and 3.7l for men by the US Institute of Medicine. But, as theinstitute concluded: “The vast majority of healthy people adequately meet their dailyhydration needs by letting thirst be their guide.”
保持充足的水分可以让我们更警觉,注意力更集中,还能提高人体免疫系统的能力。经常听到的建议是人应该每天喝八杯水,但实际上美国医学研究院(US Institute Of Medicine)的建议量比这还要略高一点——女性每天需要喝2.7升水,男性需要喝3.7升水。但是,该机构的结论是:“绝大多数健康人以口渴为指引,就足以满足人体每天的水分需求了。”
Pryme time
Mark One的Pryme Vessyl杯
Nonetheless, Mark One believes its algorithm can do better than humans.
尽管如此,Mark One相信其算法胜过人类的判断。
When setting up its $100 smart cup, called Pryme Vessyl, I told the app my age, weight,height and sleeping hours. As an optional extra, I also gave it access to my iPhone’s activityand workout data, collected through fitness trackers such as Apple Watch or Jawbone’s UP.
Mark One的Pryme Vessyl智能杯售价100美元。在设置的时候,我在应用中输入了自己的年龄、体重、身高和睡眠时长。我还选择了一个额外选项,授权它访问我手机里通过苹果手表(Apple Watch)或者Jawbone的UP手环等健康追踪设备收集的活动和锻炼数据。
Pryme Vessyl crunches this data in the cloud to create what it says is a more personalised anddynamic hydration target. But rather than tally this in regular litres or ounces, it uses acurious metric of its own invention, also called Pryme.
Pryme Vessyl在云端对这些数据进行处理,制定其所谓的更为个性化、更动态的水摄入标准。但是它没有采用升或盎司等通常使用的度量单位,而是采用了奇特的自创度量单位Pryme。
This obscurely calculated score is tallied up on the app and also appears as a thin strip ofwhite light on the outside of the cup. The line lights up when you tilt the cup, ending in a bluedot if it judges you are sufficiently hydrated at that moment.
This light is an elegant touch on the otherwise minimalist white cup, which at least is not toobrash about its “smarts”. The white matt plastic exterior is pleasant to hold and comfortableregardless of whether the cup contains iced water or hot tea.
However, the glass interior makes the cup pretty heavy, while its “splashproof” sliding cap doesnot prevent drips and leaks. This makes it unsuitable for use during vigorous exercise, whenhydration monitoring might be most useful.
My main incentive for maintaining Pryme became to silence the constant nag of pushnotifications that arrived whenever I was short of my goal. My phone often pinged when I hadjust taken a sip with urges to take another, to “get you to the next level”.
Mark One has raised millions of dollars in venture capital to develop a more ambitious cup thatclaims to track the type and brand of drink inside, including calorie and caffeine content.
Mark One已筹集了数百万美元的风险资本,以开发一款更加雄心勃勃的水杯,据称其能够追踪杯中饮品的种类和品牌,包括卡路里和咖啡因含量。
However, that product has had more than a year of delays because of problems with sensorreliability, with no shipping date in sight. In the past few months, the company has sufferedthe departure of its heads of health, design and software, as well as founder and chiefexecutive Justin Lee.
然而,由于传感器可靠性问题,该产品已经延期了一年多,何时能出货也还未可知。过去几个月里,该公司健康、设计和软件部门的几名主管相继离开,创始人和首席执行官贾斯廷丠(Justin Lee)也已走人。
Thermos 2.0
膳魔师Smart Lid
Thermos’s $60 Smart Lid device is more utilitarian. Its app simply tracks how much water is inthe bottle (in case you can’t see through its transparent side), its temperature (in caseholding the cup was insufficiently precise), how much water you have consumed and — for fansof pointless statistics — how many minutes you have spent drinking and how many sips youhave taken that day. You can set your own water consumption goal (in plain old litres), with abar tracking your progress, and the total amount drunk can also sync to Fitbit’s app.
膳魔师推出的售价60美元的Smart Lid智能杯实用一些。这款应用只监测瓶中有多少水(免得你通过透明的杯壁也看不到里面)、水温(以防捧着杯子感到的温度不够精确)、你已经喝了多少水、以及为那些无意义统计数据的爱好者提供的数据——当天你已经在喝水上花了多长分钟和喝了多少口。你可以设定个人水摄入目标(以普通的度量单位“升”计),有一个进度条追踪你的进程,饮水总量也可以同步到Fitbit的应用上。
The plastic bottle and its lid are light and watertight, which at least makes it more practicalthan the Pryme. But I found the data transfer unreliable. On one occasion, it told me I hadspent 1,143 minutes taking one sip, to consume 7ml of water.
The human body comes with robust hydration sensors — based on input and output — pre-installed at no cost to the user. We may all benefit from the occasional reminder to drink morewater, but there are far cheaper ways to do that than these devices.
Amid the ongoing “internet of things” hype, the argument that a cup or bottle must be “smart”just does not hold water.
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