
时间:2016-01-22 09:58:35  / 编辑:Abby
   When Steve Jobs died in 2011, iPhone sales were stilldoubling year on year. It is a safe bet that hissuccessor, Tim Cook, is going to preside over theend of continuous growth. In quarterly earnings in two weeks, analysts still expect Apple tohave sold 1m or more phones than the 74.5m it achieved in the same quarter last year, withChinese demand crucial. If it turns out that Apple has sold fewer, it will be a blow to thecredibility of Mr Cook, who primed the market to expect growth. But the timing hardlymatters. If it is not coming this quarter, the decline is priced in for the next one.

  2011年史蒂夫吠布斯(Steve Jobs)去世的时候,iPhone销量还在翻番地增长。几乎可以肯定,他的继任者蒂姆錠克(Tim Cook)将在任期内眼看着这股持续增长势头终结。苹果将于两周内发布季度财报,分析师们仍预期iPhone销量将比去年同期的7450万部增加100万部以上,其中中国的需求是关键。如果销量下滑,将对库克本人的信誉造成打击,因为他事先放出的风声让市场认为增长可期。但时间点并不重要,如果这个季度销量没有下滑,投资者也预期下个季度就会下滑。

  So what? For all its “fanboy” customers, Apple has some Jeremiah shareholders. Since itreported the most profitable quarter in corporate history 12 months ago, its shares havefallen 15 per cent. Yet the stock trades at just 10 times forward earnings. Strip out themassive cash pile and it trades at less than 8 times. Investors know that the end of rampantgrowth is nigh.


  Having risen to well over 50 per cent of group revenues, of course the iPhone matters. Butmaturity does not mean extinction, and just because Apple has become a phone companydoes not mean that it is all it ever will be.


  The important metric for measuring iPhone success over the next couple of years is not howmany iPhones are sold in a particular quarter — but how long those phones last. Apple hopesthat more consumers will switch to its new upgrade programme, which incentivises them tobuy a device every 12 months. Part of the bull case outlined by Mr Cook three months ago wasthe relatively small number of iPhone users who had upgraded to the iPhone 6 — fewer than 35per cent.

  在接下来几年,衡量iPhone是否成功,关键不是看某个季度卖出了多少部iPhone,而要看手机换代的时间。苹果希望更多消费者升级其新程序,这将激励他们每12个月买一部手机。3个月前,库克概述了看好苹果的理由,其中之一是升级到iPhone 6的iPhone用户比例相对较小,不到35%。

  That cuts both ways, though. A recent survey by Accenture found that the proportion ofconsumers who expected to buy a smartphone in the next 12 months had fallen to 48 per centfrom 54 per cent last year; the drop was particularly severe in China. Another survey byMizuho found that 81 per cent of iPhone users expected to hang on to their next device forlonger, an estimated 27 months compared with 20 months. The iPhone 5 has demonstratedmore staying power than previous versions of the device; it has not yet been renderedobsolete by more processing power or killer features from subsequent iterations. In Apple’ssales pitch to worrywart shareholders, that is the wrong sort of iPhone endurance.

  不过,此事有利有弊。埃森哲(Accenture)最近的一项调查发现,打算在接下来12个月内购买一部智能手机的消费者比例从去年的54%降至48%;在中国下滑得更厉害。瑞穗银行(Mizuho)的另一项调查发现,81%的iPhone用户预计下一部手机会使用更长时间,估计比目前所用手机的20个月多7个月。iPhone 5比前几代产品更为经久不衰;之后的产品更强的处理能力或者杀手级特色功能都未能淘汰iPhone 5。在苹果对忧心忡忡的股东的宣传中,iPhone的这种耐久可不是好事。




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