But it is important to demolish two myths. First, the technological advances are not about totransform the energy system to the point where a large proportion of consumers defectfrom existing distribution systems. Second, it does not require a dramatic breakthrough tobecome economic.
On the first, by far the most likely next step is the integration of storage mechanisms intoexisting grids and other distribution systems in ways that manage peak loads and thuscontribute to reducing the necessary generating capacity.
On the second, the story is one of gradualism. The core technologies are known and areadvancing. Some are already commercially competitive; you are probably reading this on acomputer that holds power for much longer than was possible only a decade ago. There couldwell be developments that would change the entire energy system but a eureka moment is notnecessary.
Moody’s notes battery costs have fallen 50 per cent in the past five years. Lazard reports thatindustry expects a further significant fall in the next five years; and that, if projections areaccurate, “some energy storage technologies may be positioned to displace a significantportion of future gas-fired generation capacity in particular as a replacement for peakinggas turbine facilities”.
This suggests advances in storage could rapidly overturn established business models. Manyof the technologies already have a strong industrial base, which is helping to reduce productioncosts. Many more are still at an early stage of commercialisation, building on research inuniversities worldwide.
There are several storage technologies, each with particular applications. Pumped hydrosystems enable us to manage the use of flows of water. Batteries can balance power loads andhelp manage the challenges of energy supplies that are intermittent. There are also uses at theproduction and at the consumption end of the supply chain.
Some techniques, such as pumping water, have been used for centuries. Others, such aslithium ion, are not yet commercially viable, but the pace of improvement in costs isimpressive.
Storage can be used with any form of supply, from coal to wind, and for any purpose fromtransport to heating. It improves efficiency by allowing consumers to use energy when theywant rather than only at the moment of production. Economically, the greatest impact and themost significant benefits will accrue to the renewables sector, where a greater proportion ofsupply is wasted and where intermittency forces users into substantial back-up costs.
Technological advances, along with falling costs, promise to make solar the power source ofchoice in the 21st century. If governments want to decarbonise the economy it is hard to thinkof a better use for public money and subsidies than researching storage.
The vital point is that storage is growing cheaper at a rate likely to challenge at least part ofthe existing energy system within five years. The conventional alternatives under threat fromthis sort of competition start with gas turbines but extend to expensive plans to upgradetransmission lines and distribution systems.
When serious and objective financial institutions start saying such things, investors andcompanies involved in the old energy economy would be foolish not to take notice of themounting evidence that storage technology is the next big shift in the energy business.
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