
时间:2015-12-11 09:32:20  / 编辑:Abby
   Every parent knows the biological intoxication — atleast for a few weeks — of having your first child.That, plus living in California and being a technology idealist, may account for the somewhatsappy tone of Mark Zuckerberg’s letter this week to his new daughter Max, in which heannounced that he will devote 99 per cent of his $45bn wealth to good works.

  父母在迎来第一个宝宝时都会感受到一种生物性的兴奋——至少头几个星期如此。这种初为人父的喜悦,加上住在加利福尼亚州,再加上身为一个科技理想主义者,或许能解释为什么马克丠克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)会在本周给他才出生的女儿麦克斯(Max)写下那封充满温情的信,在信中他宣布将把自己450亿美元的财富捐出99%给慈善事业。

  The Facebook founder’s pledge, with his wife Priscilla Chan, of “a moral responsibility to allchildren in the next generation” is no doubt deeply felt and genuine. It also has a coollyrational outcome — that he can demerge two things that have been mixed up in a singlecorporate structure: Facebook and philanthropy. The “social mission” he declared atFacebook when it went public in 2012 now has another outlet.

  这位Facebook创始人与他的妻子普莉希拉陈(Priscilla Chan)许诺要“对下一代所有孩子肩负起道义上的责任”,夫妻二人这份承诺无疑是由衷和真情实意的。他们的承诺还会带来一个理性的结果,扎克伯格可以将一直混合在一个企业架构里的两件事——Facebook和慈善事业分离开来。2012年Facebook上市时,扎克伯格在Facebook上宣称的“社会使命”现在有了另一个实现途径。

  Warren Buffett has no higher social purpose for Berkshire Hathaway than achieving strongreturns for shareholders; nor did Bill Gates for Microsoft when he was running it. The $41bn Bill& Melinda Gates Foundation, to which Mr Buffett has promised to donate much of hiswealth, is their main vehicle for venture philanthropy, impact investing, or call it what youwill. Like Sergey Brin and Larry Page, Google’s founders, Mr Zuckerberg has until now combinedrunning a corporation, investing in offbeat ideas and making the world a better place. His letterto investors in Facebook’s initial public offering was more sober than this week’s missive butshared some of the same idealism, with its talk of creating “more direct empowerment ofpeople”.

  沃伦巴菲特(Warren Buffett)对伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(Berkshire Hathaway)抱有强烈的社会目的,但他同样强烈地想为股东实现丰厚回报。比尔盖茨(Bill Gates)在执掌微软(Microsoft)期间也是如此。他们进行公益创投或影响力投资(或随便你怎么叫)的主要工具是比尔及梅琳达盖茨基金会(Bill-Melinda GatesFoundation),该基金会拥有多达410亿美元资金,巴菲特也承诺要将大部分财产捐赠给这个基金会。扎克伯克此前也与谷歌(Google)创始人谢尔盖布林(Sergey Brin)和拉里椠奇(Larry Page)一样,将经营企业、投资另类创意以及让世界变得更美好的抱负混合在一起。他在Facebook首次公开发行(IPO)时给投资者的信比本周给女儿的这封信更严肃冷静,但两封信在理想主义方面有一些共同之处,前一封中谈到要“让民众享有更直接的权力”。

  Mr Page unveiled his unbundling in August by placing Google under Alphabet, a holdingcompany that will take “moonshot” bets on new ventures such as high-altitude balloons tospread internet access to poor countries and remote areas. They are long-term investmentsof the kind Mr Zuckerberg’s new venture can make, although Alphabet is not philanthropic.


  The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative — the quaint title for their joint venture, which will seek profitsas well as making donations — goes a step further. The Chan-Zuckerbergs will attempt to“advance human potential” and promote social equality with measures that will include “long-term investments over 25, 50 or even 100 years”.

  “陈-扎克伯格行动”(Chan Zuckerberg Initiative)——他们为这一联合经营公司起了个古朴的名字——则更进了一步,该公司在进行捐赠的同时也会追求利润。陈-扎克伯格行动将尝试“提高人类潜能”,促进社会平等,其手段包括进行“长达25年、50年甚至100年的长期投资”。

  This is a simpler way to aim at such outcomes than including them as an ancillary target for acompany that is focused on other things, whether social networking or search. An ambitiousethical stance is bound to make investors uneasy because they do not know what it involves— does linking communities mean manufacturing mobile phones or drilling a tunnel through thecentre of the earth? Facebook’s mission will no doubt stay in place but this takes the pressureoff. Mr Zuckerberg has been wooing China — learning the language and making frequent visits— although his IPO letter included a call for “more accountability for officials,” which probablygoes down badly there. Dividing Zuckerberg the chief executive from Zuckerberg the politicalidealist may help.


  While separating public company from private philanthropy brings greater clarity and freedomof manoeuvre to both, it does not make the latter either simple or cheap. Mr Zuckerberg’s asideto his daughter that he knows $45bn “is a small contribution” to changing the world reads likea billionaire’s false humility, but he is right.


  In some ways, Mr Zuckerberg is following Andrew Carnegie, the steel magnate, who founded anetwork of 1,700 public libraries in the US. Carnegie argued in his essay, “The Gospel ofWealth” (1889), that industrialists should “busy themselves in organising benefactions fromwhich the masses of their fellows will derive lasting advantage,” rather than leaving theirmoney to their children.

  在某些方面,扎克伯格正在效仿钢铁大王安德鲁愠蕓基(Andrew Carnegie),后者在美国建立了1700家公共图书馆。卡内基在《财富的福音》(The Gospel of Wealth, 1889年)一文中写道,实业家应该“让自己忙于组织慈善活动,让广大同胞都能从中获得持久的优势”,而非将财富留给自己的孩子。

  The Chan-Zuckerbergs’ worries about inequality mirror those of Carnegie, who observed “thecontrast between the palace of the millionaire and the cottage of the labourer” in the age of USindustrialisation. He concluded of capitalism: “It is here; we cannot evade it; no substituteshave been found; and while the law may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for therace.”


  They have set themselves a more complex task than Carnegie faced a century ago — namely,to find innovative ways of addressing intractable global issues. Darren Walker, president ofthe Ford Foundation, wrote recently that Carnegie’s wealth was “a pittance in comparison withthe world’s trillions of dollars of needs for food and housing, education, infrastructure andhealthcare” (even if the foundation bearing his name is still making inroads into them).

  扎克伯格夫妇为自己设定的任务比卡内基一个世纪前所面临的更加复杂——找到创新的方式解决难以应对的全球性问题。福特基金会(Ford Foundation)主席达伦茠克(Darren Walker)最近写道:卡内基的财富“与全世界对食物、住房、教育、基础设施及医疗保健的巨大需求相比只是杯水车薪”(即使以他的名字命名的基金会仍在为此进行努力)。

  Solving what Mr Zuckerberg tells Max will be “the biggest opportunities and problems yourgeneration will face” is another order of challenge to managing Facebook. “The new generationof philanthropists wants to believe there is a clever ‘hack’ for every problem,” Sean Parker, theentrepreneur and former Facebook executive, wrote in June. For some problems, there isnot.

  解决扎克伯格对女儿麦克斯所说的“你们这代人面临的最大机遇与问题”是有别于管理Facebook的另一层次的挑战。“新一代的慈善家愿意相信,每一个问题都有一种聪明的‘破解办法’,”Facebook前高管、创业家肖恩帕克(Sean Parker)6月时写道。对一些问题而言,没有这样的办法。

  Mr Zuckerberg has clearly learnt lessons from his $100m donation in 2010 to support reformof New Jersey schools, which soon ran into difficulty. Changing societies requires more time,more money and greater willingness to suffer frustration than launching a new product. It ishard enough for one organisation to do one, let alone both.


  When Max grows up, her mother and father can teach her about that.





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