Apple Inc said its iPad Pro will be available to orderonline on Wednesday and arrive at stores later thisweek.
苹果公司近日宣布,其最新产品iPad Pro平板电脑周三开始可以从网上订购,并于本周稍晚在苹果商店开售。
The 12.9 inch-screen tablet, which starts at $799but costs more than $1,000 if buyers also want akeyboard and an optional stylus, will be available inmore than 40 countries, including the United States,the UK, China and Japan.
Sales of iPads have been falling for several quarters as big-screen iPhones appeal to moreconsumers. Apple sold 54.86 million iPads in the year ended Sept. 26 - a drop of 19 percentfrom a year earlier.
Since launching iPad with a 9.7-inch screen in 2010, Apple has released a mini version in 2012with a 7.9-inch screen. Apple unveiled the larger iPad Pro on Sept. 9, hoping to rival MicrosoftCorp's 12-inch Surface Pro 3 in attracting business customers.
苹果公司于2010年首次发布屏幕大小为9.7英寸的iPad,之后又于2012年发布7.9英寸的mini版本。而在今年的9月9日,苹果更大尺寸的平板电脑--iPad Pro正式亮相。该公司也希望这次的产品能够与微软发布的12英寸的Surface Pro 3相抗衡,吸引更多商务客户。
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