The Environmental Protection Agency said on Mondaythat it had discovered cheating software on moreVolkswagen and Audi cars than previously disclosed and, for the first time, also found theillegal software in some of the carmaker’s high-end Porsche models.
美国国家环境保护局(Environmental Protection Agency,简称EPA)周一表示,他们在更多大众(Volkswagen)及奥迪(Audi)车上发现了作弊软件,超过之前披露的规模,而且首次在大众高端品牌保时捷的一些车型中发现了非法软件。
The findings put significant new pressure on Volkswagen, which did not reveal the defeatdevices to the agency, and its new chief executive, Matthias Müller, who was previously thehead of Volkswagen’s Porsche division.
这一发现给大众集团及新任首席执行官马蒂亚斯·穆勒(Matthias Müller)带来重压,该公司没有向EPA报告这种减效装置,穆勒之前是大众集团保时捷部门的负责人。
Mr. Müller’s predecessor, Martin Winterkorn, resigned in September after regulators in theUnited States disclosed that the German automaker had installed sophisticated software onsome Volkswagen diesel models that reduced pollutant emissions when the cars were beingtested. In day-to-day usage, the mandatory controls were turned off, providing the cars withbetter engine performance but emitting as much as 40 times the legal limits of nitrogen oxide,a pollutant linked to lung ailments.
在美国监管机构发现这家德国汽车制造商在一些大众柴油车上安装用于排放检测作弊的复杂软件之后,前任CEO马丁·文德恩(Martin Winterkorn)于9月辞职。在日常使用时,这种强制控制软件会被关闭,为车辆提供更好的发动机性能,但排放的氮氧化物是规定标准的40倍,这种污染物会导致肺部疾病。
The new revelations escalate the potential damage to Volkswagen’s finances and reputation.Audi and Porsche are the source of most of the company’s earnings, because profit marginstend to be much higher on luxury cars. In contrast to Volkswagen brand cars, which havestruggled in the United States, Audi and Porsche are success stories in America. The UnitedStates is Porsche’s biggest single market.
The E.P.A.’s report opens a new chapter in its investigation of Volkswagen’s practice. The newcheating devices were uncovered by investigators during new tests that were conducted on alldiesel car models in the United States by E.P.A., the California Air Resources Board and theregulatory group Environment Canada.
EPA的报告打开了针对大众集团的调查的新篇章。EPA、加州大气资源委员会(California Air ResourcesBoard)及监管机构加拿大环境部(Environment Canada)的调查人员在美国对所有柴油车型开展了新的检测,期间发现了这些新的减效装置。
“VW has once again failed its obligation to comply with the law that protects clean air for allAmericans,” Cynthia Giles, the assistant administrator for E.P.A.’s Office of Enforcement andCompliance Assurance, said in a statement.
“大众集团再一次没有承担担任,没有遵守为所有美国人保护洁净空气的法律,”EPA环境执法办公室行政助理辛西娅·贾尔斯(Cynthia Giles)发表声明称。
Volkswagen did not immediately comment on the E.P.A.’s announcement. The carmaker hasnot yet disclosed how it will fix the cars.
Since September, regulators have been conducting additional tests on all diesel cars models.They have not found similar defeat devices on diesel models produced by automakers otherthan Volkswagen. Testing is continuing and the agency plans to make its results public once thetests are completed.
The agency says the new tests found that Volkswagen had installed a defeat device in someVolkswagen, Audi and Porsche diesel cars with a 3.0-liter engines, encompassing model years2014 through 2016. It said these devices, meant to cheat on emissions testing, would increasethe release of nitrogen oxide up to nine times the agency’s standard.
The disclosure covers about 10,000 passenger cars already sold in the United States since themodel year 2014. In addition, the violation notice from the agency covers an unspecifiednumber of 2016 vehicles. The cars found to have the software installed are the diesel versionsof the 2014 VW Touareg, the 2015 Porsche Cayenne and the 2016 Audi A6 Quattro, A7Quattro, A8, A8L and Q5.
此次披露的丑闻涉及1万辆在美国销售的2014年款轿车。除此之外,该机构发出的违规通告还涉及2016年款轿车,但没有详细说明数量。被发现装有作弊软件的车包括2014年款的大众途锐(Touareg)柴油车、2015年款保时捷卡宴(Cayenne)和2016年款奥迪A6 Quattro、A7 Quattro、A8、A8L和Q5。
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