消融的格陵兰 Greenland Is Melting Away

时间:2015-11-02 10:01:50  / 编辑:danyang




  ON THE GREENLAND ICE SHEET — The midnight sunstill gleamed at 1 a.m. across the brilliant expanse of the Greenland ice sheet. BrandonOverstreet, a doctoral candidate in hydrology at the University of Wyoming, picked his wayacross the frozen landscape, clipped his climbing harness to an anchor in the ice and crepttoward the edge of a river that rushed downstream toward an enormous sinkhole.

  格陵兰冰盖——凌晨1点,子夜太阳仍在照射着广阔的格陵兰冰盖。怀俄明大学(University of Wyoming)水文学博士研究生布兰登·奥弗斯特里特(Brandon Overstreet)在这片冰面上小心翼翼,将他的安全带系到冰层中的一个锚上,朝着一条向下流入巨大深坑的河流的边缘徐徐前进。

  If he fell in, “the death rate is 100 percent,” said Overstreet's friend and fellow researcher,Lincoln Pitcher.

  奥弗斯特里特的朋友、同为研究员的林肯·皮彻(Lincoln Pitcher)说,如果他掉进去了,“百分之百会死。”

  But Overstreet's task, to collect critical data from the river, is essential to understanding oneof the most consequential impacts of global warming. The scientific data he and a team of sixother researchers collect here could yield groundbreaking information on the rate at which themelting of Greenland ice sheet, one of the biggest and fastest-melting chunks of ice on Earth,will drive up sea levels in the coming decades. The full melting of Greenland's ice sheet couldincrease sea levels by about 20 feet.


  This summer in Greenland, the scientists set up camp on the ice, where they hoped to capturethe first comprehensive measurements of the rate of melting. Their research could yieldvaluable information to help scientists figure out how rapidly sea levels will rise in the 21stcentury, and thus how people in coastal areas from New York to Bangladesh could plan for thechange.


  For years, scientists have studied the impact of the planet's warming on the Greenland andAntarctic ice sheets. But while researchers have satellite images to track the icebergs that breakoff, and have created models to simulate the thawing, they have little on-the-groundinformation and so have trouble predicting precisely how fast sea levels will rise.


  But the research is under increasing fire by some Republican leaders in Congress, who deny orquestion the scientific consensus that human activities contribute to climate change.


  Getting Ready


  In July, Smith's team arrived in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, a dusty outpost of 512 people onthe island's southwest coast, which serves as a base for researchers to prepare for fieldworkon the ice sheet.


  The scientists were excited but anxious as they prepared to travel inland by helicopter to dothe fieldwork at the heart of their research: For 72 hours, every hour on the hour, they wouldstand watch by a supraglacial watershed, taking measurements — velocity, volume,temperature and depth — from the icy bank of the rushing river.


  “No one has ever collected a data set like this,” Asa Rennermalm, a professor of geography atthe Rutgers University Climate Institute who was running the project with Smith, told the teamover a lunch of musk ox burgers at the Kangerlussuaq airport cafeteria.

  “从来没有人这样收集数据,”罗格斯大学气候研究所(Rutgers University Climate Institute)的地理学教授阿萨·伦纳马尔姆(Asa Rennermalm)在康克鲁斯瓦格机场餐厅一边吃午餐——麝牛汉堡,一边这样对团队说。伦纳马尔姆与史密斯是项目负责人。

  Taking each measurement was so difficult and dangerous that it would require two scientistsat a time, she said. They would have to plan a sleep schedule to ensure that a group wasalways awake to do the job. Everyone knew the team would be working just upriver from themoulin — the sinkhole that would sweep anyone who fell into it deep into the ice sheet.


  As the researchers began to set up camp, Overstreet, the University of Wyoming doctoralstudent, headed toward the river, silent as it sliced through the ice. More than any othermember of the team, the success of the mission rested on his shoulders.


  Overstreet, 31, who grew up kayaking and rafting in Oregon, had designed the rope-and-pulleysystem — modeled on swift-water boat rescue systems — that would be crucial to gleaningdata from the treacherous waters. He had spent months refining and practicing his system onrivers in Wyoming.


  On the Ice


  The team soon got to work. A helicopter pilot flew two of Overstreet's colleagues, Pitcher andMatthew Cooper, across the 60-foot river. On the opposite bank they drilled into the ice,attached an anchor and harnessed themselves to it for safety. They attached a nylon line tothe anchor, with the rest of the line coiled in a heavy bag.

  团队很快就投入工作。一名直升机飞行员带着奥弗斯特里特的两名同事皮彻和马修·库珀(Matthew Cooper)飞越60英尺宽的河流。在河对岸,他们在冰层上钻洞,将锚放置在冰层中,并将安全带系到锚上,以保证安全。他们将一根尼龙绳系到锚上,剩下的绳子盘绕在一个沉重的袋子中。

  Now came the crucial part: The men took turns hurling the bag across the river, but itrepeatedly fell into the water. After an anxious half-hour, Cooper finally got the rope across.Overstreet caught it and began setting up the rope-and-pulley system he had been testing forso long.


  On the edge of camp, Johnny Ryan, a doctoral candidate in geography at AberystwythUniversity in Wales, launched an airplane-shaped drone from a slingshot-like device, thenguided it over a nearly 75-square-mile area. Then the drone went silent. “It stopped talking tome, and now it's crashed in the wilderness,” Ryan said.

  在营地的边缘,威尔士阿伯里斯特维斯大学(Aberystwyth University)地理学博士研究生约翰尼·瑞安(Johnny Ryan)用一个类似弹弓的装置把飞机形状的无人机发射出去,然后操控它在一块将近75平方英里的区域上空飞行。接着无人机的声音消失了。“它跟我断绝联系了,现在已经坠毁在旷野里,”瑞安说。

  Ryan, who wore a hot-pink knit cap and purple sunglasses that set off his red beard, launchedhis backup drone. Feeling stressed, he monitored its flight nervously as the hours rolled by,drinking tea to keep warm.


  At the riverbank, Overstreet and Pitcher started the data collection by clipping a device thatlooked like a boogie board to the line running across the river. Every hour they sent it back andforth to measure the water's depth, velocity and temperature.


  But as the day stretched into night, the device's battery, sapped by the cold, began to die. Bynow the sun had dropped lower, filling the sky with a spectacular orange glow. The scientistswere worried — the death of the battery would mean the death of their mission.


  An idea occurred to Overstreet. He found a roll of heat-reflecting silver sheeting at the campand wrapped it around the boogie board battery. During the next run across the river, it stayedalive.


  But the battery continued to wane, so Pitcher took gel hand warmers from his gloves andtucked them into the battery's silver jacket. Success. The battery stayed warm and functional.


  For three days and three nights, the scientists continued to measure the river, as up to430,000 gallons of water a minute poured off the ice and into the moulin. On the final morning,the team, tired but elated, gathered by the river as the boogie board made its final trip. Bythen, Ryan's backup drone had safely completed its mapping mission. Overstreet broke open acelebratory bag of dried mangoes — a lavish treat for the ice campers.





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