Facebook推免费网络 让印度人买账不容易

时间:2015-10-31 10:11:55  / 编辑:danyang


  MUMBAI, India — If Mark Zuckerberg hopes to deliveron his vision of bringing the Internet to the four billion people who lack it, the Facebook chief willfirst need to make his plan more appealing to salesmen like Shoaib Khan.

  印度孟买——倘若马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)想实现给全球40亿上不了网的民众带去互联网的愿景,那这位Facebook的首席执行官首先要做的,是让自己的计划在绍义卜·汗(Shoaib Khan)这样的摊贩眼中显得更有吸引力。

  Mr. Khan’s perfume and cellphone shop in one of this city’s many slums recently displayed alarge blue banner advertising Mr. Zuckerberg’s project, called Internet.org, in the back.Another sign for the free package of Internet services — offered in India through the cellphonecarrier Reliance Communications — was posted prominently in front.

  汗的香水和手机店开在城中的贫民窟里,不久前挂了一条蓝色的大横幅,给扎克伯格的Internet.org项目做广告。前面显眼的地方还贴着另一张宣传免费互联网服务的标牌,而这一服务由印度手机运营商信实通信(Reliance Communications)提供。

  But when a reporter asked Mr. Khan about his experience with Internet.org, he had no ideawhat it was. After the program was explained to him, he quickly dismissed it.


  “The Reliance connection is very patchy,” said Mr. Khan, shaking his head. “I would really haveto sell the customer on it.”


  Facebook’s rocky experience since it brought Internet.org to India in February shows that goodintentions and technological savvy are not enough to achieve a noble goal like universalInternet access.


  The skepticism of phone sellers like Mr. Khan and the weaknesses of Facebook’s Indianpartner are just two of the problems that have bedeviled Mr. Zuckerberg’s project so far.


  Internet.org’s free services — which include news articles, health and job information, and atext-only version of Facebook — are deliberately stripped down to minimize data usage andthe cost to the phone company. Facebook says the primary goal is to show people what theInternet is all about. But many Indians want more and complain that, contrary to its altruisticclaims, the project is simply a way to get them onto Facebook and sign up for paid plans fromReliance.


  Internet activists have also attacked Facebook for cherry-picking partners to include in itswalled garden rather than simply offering a small amount of free access to the whole Internet.Their concerns have struck a chord with the Indian government, which is considering new rulesthat would govern such free services.


  Mr. Zuckerberg declined several requests to discuss Internet.org. But he remains passionateabout his crusade. “Internet access needs to be treated as an important enabler of humanrights and human potential,” he told the United Nations last month.


  The Internet.org suite, rebranded last month as Free Basics, is now in 25 countries, fromIndonesia to Panama. Facebook is investing heavily in other parts of the project, includingexperiments to deliver cheap Wi-Fi to remote villages and to beam Internet service from high-flying drones.

  上个月更名为“免费基础版”(Free Basics)的Internet.org套餐服务,目前已经在包括印度尼西亚和巴拿马在内的25个国家推出。Facebook正在对这个项目的其他部分进行大力投资,包括给边远山村提供廉价Wi-Fi,和通过在高空飞行的无人机发送互联网信号的实验。

  Mr. Zuckerberg is also determined to win over the Indian public. Last month, he hosted a live-streamed chat with India’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, from Facebook’s Silicon Valleyheadquarters. And this week, Mr. Zuckerberg will be in New Delhi, where he will take questionsfrom some of Facebook’s 130 million Indian users.

  扎克伯格还下定决心要赢得印度公众的支持。上个月,他和印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(Narendra Modi)在Facebook位于硅谷的总部进行了一场现场直播的对谈。本周,扎克伯格将在新德里回答Facebook1.3亿印度用户中的一些人提出的问题。

  The magnitude of the task ahead was apparent during a reporter’s visit in August to Dharavi,home to as many as a million of Mumbai’s poor.


  Several billboards advertised Freenet, Reliance’s version of Internet.org. But in theneighborhood’s narrow alleys, where rivulets of raw sewage competed with sandaled feet, therewas little evidence that anyone had taken notice


  A conversation with a dozen cellphone users at a tea shop uncovered no one who had heardof Freenet or Internet.org, but plenty of complaints about Reliance’s sluggish data networkand poor customer service compared to the market leaders, Airtel and Vodafone.


  At Yahoo Mobilewala, a nearby phone shop named in honor of the American Internet company,the owner Rizwan Khan, offered service from every major carrier. But his stack of Reliance chips— each in a blue Freenet envelope that said “Go free Facebook” — was gathering dust in itsdisplay case.

  在附近一个以雅虎这家互联网公司命名的手机店雅虎Mobilewala里,店主里兹万·汗(Rizwan Khan)提供来自各大通信商的产品。但他那堆摆在展示柜里的信实芯片——每一个都装在蓝色的Freenet 信封里,上面写着“享受免费Facebook”——正在积尘。

  In India, most cellular service is prepaid. Customers typically buy or refill a special chip, knownas a SIM card, often loading it with a dollar’s worth of data or calls at a time. Phone-cardvendors are key advisers, educating people about all their options.


  “New customers don’t come looking for Freenet,” Mr. Khan said, who is no relation to ShoaibKhan. Even if Reliance’s network were good, he said, the package excludes WhatsApp, apopular messaging app owned by Facebook, and users must pay to see the photos in theirFacebook feeds. “If you have to pay for data, what’s the point of calling it free?” he said.


  Phone-card sellers also tend to push whatever makes them the most money. Mr. Khan notedthat another carrier had recently awarded him his choice of a Hero motorcycle or 45,000 rupees— nearly $700 — for signing up 1,000 customers. Reliance offered nothing similar.


  In more than two dozen interviews in poor neighborhoods of Mumbai, a reporter found severalpeople who had tried Internet.org but only one who used it regularly — a 23-year-old man whosaid he used the free version of Facebook Messenger on the app to chat with friends when heran out of money on his prepaid account.


  Chris Daniels, the Facebook executive who leads Internet.org, said the company is primarilytrying to reach people who are completely new to the Internet.

  负责Internet.org项目的Facebook副总裁克里斯·丹尼尔斯(Chris Daniels)表示,该公司主要是想触及对互联网一无所知的人群。

  In an interview last week, Mr. Daniels said about a million people had been introduced to theInternet in India because of the program. After their first 30 days online, he said, about 40percent of them became paying data customers, 5 percent stuck with only free services and therest left.


  “This is a program that is working to bring people online, and working incredibly well.” Mr.Daniels said. “Connectivity is something that improves people’s lives. It’s an enabler for peopleto be able to help themselves find jobs, help themselves improve their health situation, improvetheir education for themselves and their children.”


  Gurdeep Singh, the chief executive of Reliance’s consumer business, defended the quality ofhis company’s network, but acknowledged that it needed to do more to raise awareness ofFreenet and persuade retailers to promote it.

  信实通信公司消费业务首席执行官哥迪普·辛格(Gurdeep Singh)为该公司网络质量做了辩解,但他承认需要采取更多举措提升Freenet的认知度,说服零售商进行推销。

  “This is a slow process,” he said in an interview at the company’s sprawling campus in NaviMumbai, a few miles from Dharavi. “We are fighting this huge battle against digital illiteracy.”


  According to Reliance research, 36 percent of phone-card sellers don’t have a phone capable ofInternet access, which makes them poor ambassadors for the concept.


  But Mr. Singh said Reliance was committed to Freenet, which was initially limited to sevenstates, and planned to offer it nationally soon. “India is at the stage where everyone must getaccess to the Internet,” he said.


  While that is a goal shared by many, Facebook’s approach has run into a buzzsaw of criticismfrom Internet advocates here, who see it as an attempt by the world’s largest social networkto become the gatekeeper to the Internet for a new generation of users.


  “On the open Internet, everyone is equal,” said Nikhil Pahwa, editor and publisher of MediaNama,an Indian news site, who has vociferously opposed Internet.org. “On Internet.org, Facebook isthe kingmaker.”

  “在开放的互联网,人人平等,”印度新闻网站MediaNama的总编和出版人尼克希尔·帕瓦(Nikhil Pahwa)说。“在Internet.org上,Facebook就是拥立国王的幕后主使。”帕瓦强烈反对该网站。

  Mr. Pahwa helped organize a campaign called Save the Internet, which rallied a million Indiansto press regulators to stop Internet.org and establish rules protecting net neutrality. Thatprinciple, also a subject of intense debate in the United States and Europe, says thatInternet access providers should give customers equal access to all content.


  The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India is still mulling potential regulations. In a recentinterview, however, the agency’s chairman, Ram Sewak Sharma, was skeptical ofInternet.org. “Maybe they have wonderful objectives, but the way it is being implemented,that’s not really appropriate,” he said.

  印度电信管理局(The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India)仍在考虑可能制定的规定。但最近接受采访时,该局局长拉姆·塞瓦克·夏尔马(Ram Sewak Sharma)对Internet.org表示怀疑。他说,“或许他们的目标很美好,但他们落实目标的方式实在是不恰当。”

  Mr. Daniels said Facebook had been listening to all the criticism and had made many changes toInternet.org, including opening it to other companies that wanted to offer free services on theplatform. “We always appreciate feedback, in whatever form it comes,” he said.





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