This company partners with many manufacturers tosell a wide variety of products online. It's willing tosacrifice some profit to ensure its prices arebargain-bin low. It's also one of the hottest techcompanies in the world.
Sound like Amazon? It's actually an apt descriptionfor Xiaomi.
It's not a household name in the US, but Xiaomi is one of the hottest brands in Asia. TheChinese company is valued at $46 billion, making it the world's second-most valuable startupbehind Uber. It built its reputation selling inexpensive but high-quality smartphones, whichget snapped up by consumers in Asia within hours.
The company's founder took the time to remind people at a Wall Street Journal conference onWednesday that it offers a wide range of products, from televisions to air purifiers -- all ofwhich are offered at ultra-competitive prices.
"We are more in the area of smart consumer electronics," said Bin Lin, co-founder andpresident of the company. "We'd rather be called an Internet company."
Xiaomi's push to broaden itself puts it more inline with massive online retailers such asAmazon or China's Alibaba, which have benefited from consumers' increasing comfort withmaking purchases over the Internet. It's a retail strategy that could help it expand faster intodifferent parts of the world, as evidenced by its decision to launch a US and Europrean onlinestore in May that features electronic accessories but not phones.
Still, in markets where it does sell smartphones, Xiaomi envisions the handheld device as theremote control for everything. Unlike Amazon or Alibaba, which sell everything from DVDs toHalloween costumes, the Chinese startup is focused on gadgets.
"It's been clear for a long time that it has much broader ambitions and that seeing Xiaomi asjust a smartphone company was missing the bigger picture," said Jan Dawson, an analyst forJackdaw Research.
Lin, for instance, touted the capabilities of his new air purifier, which addresses the pollutionissue in China. The device can clear the air around you in six minutes and connects to asmartphone. He called the MiTV 3 television the company launched yesterday "almost like aphone, except for the bigger display." The television, which packs a 60-inch super-highresolution 4K display, sells for less than $800.
Like Amazon, which looks beyond simply selling hardware to its consumers, Xiaomi believesthere is an opportunity to provide media, gaming and other services through the TV, Lin said.It also, of course, connects to a smartphone.
Each month, 130 million people use its smartphones, televisions, routers and other products,Lin said. Xiaomi is "generating decent revenue" from the services related to those products, headded, although he didn't specify how much.
Xiaomi is looking beyond smartphones as its mainstay business continues to mature. "The lastcouple of years in China the smartphone business is changing from rapid growth to areplacement market," he said. "So the absolute growth of the smartphone market is flat."
Lin addressed the rising concern that smartphones are getting boring, with consumers findingit difficult to get excited about the same metal and glass slab. He hinted at potentialinnovation in touchscreen inputs and how people interact with devices. "In the next fewmonths, I'm sure we can come up with something that is super cool," he said.
Xiaomi's Mi Store in the US offers products like battery chargers and headphones. Lin said hewas thinking about selling his popular smartphones in the US, but stayed mum on whenexactly that would happen.
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