想要节省你的手机流量? 那就快用谷歌Amp!

时间:2015-10-13 09:24:38  / 编辑:danyang

  Search-engine giant Google launched a new serviceWednesday that it hopes will reverse the trend ofpeople gravitating away from the World Wide Web infavor of Facebook and other apps on their mobilephones.

  搜索引擎巨头谷歌在周三发布了一项新的服务,谷歌希望通过这项服务扭转人们迷恋用万维网的Facebook 和在手机上使用各种APP的趋势。

  The new service, called Amp, works by partneringwith news publishers and other content providers tohelp them create Web content that downloads tomobile phones and tablets up to 85 times faster.

  这项新的服务被称为Amp, 和新闻发布者及其他内容提供者一起来帮助创造万维网内容,以此将下载到手机和平板上的速度提高了85倍。

  It's a seemingly simple concept and one that consumers may not even notice. But the stakesare high for Google, which competes with apps such as Facebook for eyeballs and ad dollars.

  这似乎看起来是个简单的想法,但是却没有被消费者注意到。这个尝试对谷歌来说也是风险很高,因为这个和像Facebook 这样的APP 竞争吸引力和广告收入。


想要节省你的手机流量? 那就快用谷歌Amp!


  That battle has gotten tougher on smartphones and tablets, where apps generate three timesas much attention as the Web, according to research firm eMarketer. The trend toward in-appbrowsing is only expected to worsen over time. By 2017, the gap is expected to widen tothree hours and 23 minutes on mobile apps vs. just 52 minutes on the mobile Web, eMarketerpredicts.

  这项服务在智能手机和平板电脑 方面将愈发艰难,因为其吸引力将是万维网的三倍,搜索引擎公司eMarketer说道。在应用程序浏览的趋势是随着时间的推移,预计将会恶化。2017年,差距将扩大,在移动应用程序需要三小时23分钟,而在移动网络上只需要52分 钟,eMarketer预测。

  "We love the World Wide Web. To some degree, on mobile, it has not fully satisfied users'expectations," said Google's head of news, Richard Gingras. "We are hoping to change that,"Gingras said at a launch event Wednesday in Manhattan.


  One reason for the gap is speed. When users click on a news link and it's slow to respond,they will exit and go elsewhere. "That's not good for us," Gingras said.

  这个差距的一个原因就是速度。当用户点击新闻链接时,她反应很慢,用户就会退出然后浏览其他地方。“这对我们来说是不好的” 金格拉斯说。

  Early results show download speeds up to 85 times faster when content is created using Amp,said David Besbris, vice president of engineering at Google.

  老用户说,当内容由Amp 创造时,其下载速度就提高85倍,谷歌搜索引擎的副董事长说道。

  Google launched the new Amp service, which is being co-sponsored by Twitter, to a room full ofnews publishers at a cafe in downtown Manhattan on Wednesday. Twitter is a stand-alone appbut it also relies on Web-generated links to drive traffic.


  The Amp service is free for content providers, Google's executives said. They expect toeventually expand the service beyond news content to other mobile content providers.

  Amp 服务对内容提供者是完全免费的,谷歌的领导说。他们希望能超越新闻内容最终扩展其业务到其他移动内容提供者那里。

  "This is about making sure the World Wide Web is not the World Wide Wait. And to make surethat platform evolves," Gingras said.

  “这就是在让万维网不在是万等网转变。并在确保这项平台在扩展演变,” 金格拉斯说道。




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  • 姓名:孟帆







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