Athens to submit new bailout proposal
Athens is to submit a new proposal to eurozone authorities for a third bailout by early today after Greek negotiators stunned some eurozone finance ministers by arriving at their meeting without a revamped economic reform proposal.希腊将于今日凌晨就第三轮纾困向欧元区当局递交新的提案,此前希腊谈判代表在没有修订版经济改革提案的情况下参加欧元区财长会议,令一些欧元区财长感到震惊。
But despite the apparently abortive start to what had been billed as a last-ditch effort to salvage Greece’s place in the eurozone, bloc officials said they drew some comfort from Euclid Tsakalotos, the new Greek finance minister, who made a strong presentation to his counterparts.尽管被视为挽救希腊在欧元区地位的最后一刻的努力显然开局不利,但欧元区官员表示,希腊新任财长欧几里德?察卡洛托斯(Euclid Tsakalotos)让他们感到些许安慰,他向欧元区其他国家财长做出了有力陈述。
His intervention gave some hope that a deal could still be reached before Athens defaults on a ¢3.5bn bond payment owed to the European Central Bank in two weeks, considered to be the moment it crashes out of the euro.他的干预让人们产生一些希望:在希腊两周后对其欠欧洲央行(ECB)的35亿欧元债务违约(那将被视为希腊跌出欧元区的时刻)之前,仍有可能达成一项协议。
The lack of concrete proposals was unlikely to improve the mood among eurozone leaders, who were called to an emergency summit in Brussels last night to discuss the crisis. Their willingness to accommodate Athens all but evaporated following Greece’s emphatic rejection of previous bailout terms in Sunday’s referendum.缺乏具体提案不太可能改善欧元区领导人的情绪,昨夜他们在布鲁塞尔召开紧急峰会讨论此次危机。在希腊在上周日公投中明确否决之前的纾困条款后,欧元区领导人容忍希腊的意愿消失殆尽。
The ECB has also been sending strong signals that it cannot keep providing emergency loans to Greek banks. Late on Monday, it tightened the screw on Greek lenders when it required them to stump up more assets in exchange for emergency loans. It was a largely symbolic decision, but one that officials said would come before a complete withdrawal of its liquidity lifeline.欧洲央行也发出有力信号表明,其无法一直向希腊各银行提供紧急贷款。周一晚间,欧洲央行向希腊各银行进一步施压,要求它们拿出更多资产来换取紧急贷款。这在很大程度上是一个只有象征意义的决定,但官员们曾表示,在完全切断流动性命脉之前会做出这样的决定。
Even though ministers expressed a willingness to consider a new Greek plan, several eurozone leaders arriving for a summit after the finance ministers’ session continued to express pessimism that an agreement on a new set of economic reforms could be reached in time.尽管欧元区财长表示愿意考虑希腊的新计划,但在财长会议后出席峰会的几位欧元区领导人继续对及时就一系列新的经济改革达成协议感到悲观。
“There is still no basis for negotiations,” said Angela Merkel, the German chancellor. “I say it’s not a matter of weeks but of a few days.”“目前仍没有任何谈判基础,”德国总理安格拉?默克尔(Angela Merkel)表示,“我认为这不是几周的问题,而是几天。”
Additional reporting by Duncan Robinson in Brussels, Meghan Murphy in Washington and Stefan Wagstyl in Berlin邓肯?鲁滨逊(Duncan Robinson)布鲁塞尔、梅根?墨菲(Meghan Murphy)华盛顿和斯蒂芬?瓦格斯蒂尔(Stefan Wagstyl)柏林补充报道
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