Prosecutors are examining evidence in the killing of18-year-old Michael Brown by Ferguson,Missouripolice officer, Darren Wilson.
Since the shooting, residents in the predominantlyAfrican American community have demandedanswers about what happened.
Brown's mother, Lesley McSpadden, says her son was murdered and wants a throughinvestigation.
"Being fair and arresting this man and making him accountable for his action."
There are conflicting accounts about the circumstances that led to Michael Brown's death.
Police have released surveillance video allegedly showing the teenager stealing cigars at aconvenience store shortly before the incident. But investigators say the robbery was not thereason why officer Wilson pulled up to Brown in his patrol car when he saw him on the street.
They say at some point the officer was pushed into his squad car, then physically assaultedduring a struggle. At least one shot was fired inside the car. Saint Louis County Police Chief, JonBelmar.
"It is our understanding at this point in the investigation that within the police car there was astruggle for the officer's weapon."
Police say Wilson had bruises on his face. But witnesses paint a different picture.
"The kid was trying to push off away from the cop and the cop was trying to pull him in."
It is unclear what happened next, but other witnesses say Brown was running away from theofficer after being shot.
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