经济学人:贝卢斯科尼意欲重掌大权 蒙蒂将如何阻止?

时间:2016-09-18 15:30:15  / 编辑:Abby

  A central problem of Italian democracy is that both its main parties are an ideological hotch-potch. On the left, the Democratic Party (PD) is the offspring of a marriage between ex-communists and former Christian Democrats. On the right, the PdL is the outcome of a mergerbetween reconstructed neo-fascists and Mr Berlusconi’s heterogeneous following ofopportunists, ex-socialists, conservatives and the odd liberal. Mr Monti has the chance to laythe foundations of an altogether more presentable conservative movement: an Italianreflection of the principles that inspire the European Peoples’ Party in the EuropeanParliament.


  The building blocks already exist: the conservative union     of Christian and Centre Democrats(UDC); a new movement led by the chairman of Ferrari, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, whichwas founded specifically as a vehicle for the prime minister; and other, smaller groups. MrMonti could steal votes from the PdL, which is in danger of breaking apart despite MrBerlusconi’s return and from the moderate wing of the PD. Above all, says Antonio Noto of IPRMarketing, “he could lure to the polls some of the 25% of Italians who say they are not temptedby any of the existing parties”, or even by the anti-establishment Five Star Movement led byBeppe Grillo, a former comedian.


  Big business and the Catholic church have already signalled their support for the primeminister. And Mr Monti could prove a good foil for the slick, showy tycoon. Mr Berlusconi hasbeen defeated twice in five general elections. Each time, his nemesis was another quietly-spokeneconomics professor with impeccable European credentials: Romano Prodi.


  The snag is that Mr Monti’s real adversary would not be Mr Berlusconi, but the leader of thePD, Pier Luigi Bersani, who has pointedly warned the prime minister to stay out of the fray.Without exception, the polls show the PD and its allies with a substantial lead. Under Italy’selectoral rules, whichever coalition comes first receives a bonus that guarantees it a majority inthe Chamber of Deputies. But in the Senate the bonus is allocated region by region. The bigrisk for the governability of Italy after the election is a result that gives a coalition a majority inthe chamber, but not in the Senate.


  A pro-Monti coalition would find it hard to overtake the PD nationally, but could ruin itschances of dominating both houses. A hung Senate might also give Mr Berlusconi, whose partyhas sunk to around 15% in the polls, his most realistic chance of retaining influence. But solong as Mr Monti was ready to join forces with Mr Bersani after the election, the PdL could bepushed firmly into opposition, along with Mr Grillo’s representatives.


  Other calculations are weighing on Mr Monti. If he were to stand, he would have to give up hislife senator’s seat. A decision to run could mean he lost his chance to occupy the Quirinalpalace as Italy’s head of state when Mr Napolitano retires next year. That is where Mr Bersaniwould like to see him, as a guarantor of future reforms. Above all, there is the increasinglyunfathomable Berlusconi variable. If Mr Berlusconi were to pull out, or his party to implode,the temptation for Mr Monti to pounce might become irresistible.


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