经济学人:本周政治要闻 墨西哥一监狱发生争斗49名犯人死亡 教皇方济各访问墨西哥

时间:2016-03-02 10:23:33  / 编辑:Abby

  Obama to Havana


  Barack Obama is expected to visit Cuba in March. Hisvisit will be the first by an American president to theisland since Calvin Coolidge went in 1928. SinceDecember 2014 the United States has eased itsembargo on Cuba and the two countries haverestored diplomatic relations. This week they signed an agreement that will allow scheduledflights between the two countries to resume after an interruption of more than 50 years.

  巴拉克·奥巴马将于三月访问古巴,他将是自1928年卡尔文·柯立芝(Calvin Coolidge)访问古巴后首位到访该国的美国总统。自2014年12月以来,美国放松对古巴的禁运,两国恢复外交关系。本周他们签署了一项协议,该协议将使两国中断了五十多年的定期航班重新开始运营。




  In Mexico 49 inmates at the Topo Chico prison in Monterrey, the capital of the state of NuevoLeón, were killed in fighting between factions of the Zeta drug gang. The jail was overcrowdedand understaffed, but in some cells investigators found portable saunas, air conditioners andother luxuries.

  位于墨西哥新莱昂州州府蒙特雷的多波契各(Topo Chico)监狱发生Zeta贩毒团伙帮派斗争,49名犯人丧生。该监狱人满为患且狱警短缺,但调查者在几间牢房里发现了可携式桑拿设备、空调和其他奢侈品。

  Pope Francis paid a visit to Mexico. He ended his trip in Ciudad Juárez, near the United Statesborder, where he highlighted the plight of migrants and visited a jail.

  教皇方济各(Pope Francis)访问墨西哥,在靠近美国边境的华雷斯城(Ciudad Juárez)结束了行程。他强调了移民问题的困境并拜访了一所监狱。

  Nicolás Maduro, Venezuela's president, raised petrol prices—the first time they have gone up in20 years—devalued one official exchange rate for the bolívar and said another would be allowedto float. Even after a 60-fold increase in its price, Venezuela's petrol will still be the cheapest inthe world. Meanwhile, Luis Salas left his job as Venezuela's economic tsar after just six weeks.He had unconventional views, such as holding that inflation is caused by unscrupulouscapitalists.

  委内瑞拉(Venezuela)总统尼古拉斯·马杜罗(Nicolás Maduro)提高石油价格(此为20年来首次),并将委内瑞拉货币玻利瓦尔(bolívar)的一种官方汇率贬值,并称将允许另一种汇率有所浮动。该国石油价格尽管增长了60倍,但仍为全世界最低。与此同时,路易斯·萨拉斯(Luis Salas)卸任该国经济部长,这距离其上任仅短短六周。他持有非传统观点,比如抑制由无良资本家造成的通货膨胀。

  Both America and Taiwan alleged that China has placed surface-to-air missiles on the SouthChina Sea's Woody Island, which is claimed also by Taiwan and Vietnam. If true it wouldheighten military tensions in the disputed sea, through which a third of world trade passes.China's foreign minister, Wang Yi, called the allegation an invention of the Western media.

  美国和台湾都断言中国大陆在中国南海永兴岛(Woody Island)(台湾和越南也声称对该岛屿的所有权)部署地对空导弹。若此为真,此争议海域的军事局势则将更加紧张。世界上三分之一的贸易经由此海域。中国外交部长王毅称,该断言是西方媒体在“制造新闻”。

  China decided to move more than 9,000 people to prevent electromagnetic interference withthe world's largest radio telescope, which will start to operate later this year in the south-western province of Guizhou. Chinese scientists involved in the project told the country's state-owned news agency that the instrument would help in the search for intelligent life elsewherein the universe.


  Britain said that the disappearance of a bookseller in Hong Kong, presumed to have beenabducted by Chinese security agents, amounted to a “serious breach” of an agreementreached between China and Britain in 1984 on the handover of the colony to Chinese rule. Thebookseller, Lee Bo, is a British citizen. Four of his colleagues are also believed to have beensnatched while visiting Thailand and the Chinese mainland. China has confirmed it is detainingthem.


  In India a student leader, Kanhaiya Kumar, who was arrested after protesting in 2013 againstthe hanging of a Kashmiri militant, was charged with sedition under a colonial-era law.Academics, students and others staged demonstrations, saying the charges wereunreasonable. A former university lecturer has also been arrested for sedition.


  Sindh became the first ever province in Pakistan, an Islamic republic, to give Hindus the rightofficially to register their marriages. The aim is to protect the country's 3m Hindus. Women ofthat faith have been vulnerable to forced conversions and abductions, with widows leftespecially unprotected.



  1.need to 需要

  例句:When you have two adversaries negotiating,you need to be on neutral territory.


  2.ahead of 在…之前

  例句:The Socialists may still finish ahead of the pack.


  3.take part in 参加

  例句:At that time, the problem of whether we should take part in the Olympic Games or notarose.


  4.step down 下台

  例句:We're all sorry to see you step down.





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  • 姓名:靳博乔


中学时代即留学于新加坡理工学院,后毕业于英国南威尔士大学计算机专业,在新加坡居住及工作多年,曾担任新加坡管理发展学院(MDIS)、新加坡亚太管理学院(Kaplan Singapore)、新加坡管理大学(SIM)等教育机构的招生顾问。客观地为同学们留学海外提供帮助。在新加坡任职期间,帮助许多国际学生(包括中国学生)成功留学新加坡,澳大利亚,新西兰,英国和美国。



GPA: 3.5, IBT: 90, GRE: 1360


Liu 同学(四川大学计算机专业)

GPA: 3.4, IBT: 102, GRE: 1280


Cao 同学(武汉大学法学专业)

GPA: 3.7, IBT: 105, GRE: 1370


Yuan 同学(天津师范大学)

GPA:3.6, IELTS: 6.5, GMAT: 660



GPA:3.3, IELTS: 6.5, GMAT: 650



GPA:3.4, IELTS: 7, GRE: 1280






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