经济学人:关爱截肢人士 假肢上的生活

时间:2015-12-31 09:42:52  / 编辑:Abby

  Caring for amputees


  Life on a limb


  A growing number of amputees is a sign of medicalprogress


  A GRISLY photo shows a soldier lying injured, the snow around him steeped in blood. Both hislegs have been blown off. The blood is fake. His legs, however, really are missing. The picture isfrom a training exercise run by Amputees in Action, an agency for actors who have lost arms orlegs. It provides limbless people to train the armed forces and the emergency services as theylearn how better to deal with injuries sustained in the midst of fighting or accidents. Suchtraining, along with improvements in care back home, mean that those who do suffer grievousinjuries on the battlefield are more likely to survive.





  Of the 12,000-odd amputees reckoned to have come back to Britain from the second worldwar, almost none had lost three limbs, says Jerome Church of BLESMA (formerly the BritishLimbless Ex-Service Men's Association). Soldiers with such injuries died in combat. Even fiveyears ago, they probably would not have survived such trauma. Today, it is normal to do so.That is a mark of medical improvements on and off the battlefield, says Keith Porter, a surgeonand professor of clinical traumatology at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. Everyyear, people are surviving bigger injuries, says Professor Porter, and the rate of improvementis rapid. The treatments provided today do not appear in existing manuals: “We are writing thetextbooks of the future.”


  Overall, those fighting Britain's wars make up a small proportion of the 5,000 or so major-limb amputations carried out in Britain each year, mostly as a result of diseases such asdiabetes. But the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq have led to a spike in the numbers ofsoldiers who have lost limbs. When Mr Church took over as chief executive of BLESMA in 2000,he assumed it was a fading organisation. Most members were elderly veterans of the secondworld war. Since then, its ranks have swelled by about 300. In 2006-09, 54 combatantssustained partial or complete removals of a limb as a result of injuries in Afghanistan. In2009-12 the number rose again to 192, almost half of them multiple amputations.


  Cuts to defence spending (8% in real terms by 2015) have had little impact on services forthose afflicted. In February the government announced it would spend an extra £6.5m onadvanced prosthetics for them. Armed with such technology, many can pursue active lives.Those working for Amputees in Action, for instance, act in mainstream films and TVprogrammes as well as training exercises. John Pickup, the agency's founder, says it can bedifficult to attract veterans because the Paralympic team is so determined to get soldiers,sailors and airmen (and women) who have lost arms or legs to join its athletes. That's welcomecompetition.



  1.provide to 提供

  例句:The focus is on the business benefit theorganization can provide to clients.


  2.deal with 应付;对待

  例句:I'm impressed with her ability as a singer, butdoubt if she will be able to deal with the difficulties of professional musicianship.


  3.likely to 可能

  例句:This is likely to revive consumer spending and a whole raft of consumer industries.


  4.carry out 进行;执行

  例句:They also carry out experiments.





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  • 姓名:孟帆







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