Palestinian prisoners
Why they count
The release of prisoners touches Palestinians totheir core
AS A measure of the seriousness of negotiationsbetween Israelis and Palestinians, the number of Palestinian prisoners released on the eve oftalks, say pessimists, is a gloomy barometer. When the two sides sat down to negotiate twodecades ago, after signing the Oslo accords in 1993, Israel freed 2,000 Palestinians in a singleyear. For the next couple of years it released, on average, around 1,000 a year. In later yearsthat number slumped to a few hundred. Now, to coincide with the fresh round of talks thatstarted in Jerusalem on August 14th, Israel's prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, has freedjust 26.
Even this has provoked an outcry in Israel. Many of the 26 were convicted of crimes ofviolence, including murder, against Israeli civilians. Relations of the victims have carried blackbanners, accusing Mr Netanyahu of truckling to terrorists.
Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president who is leading negotiations for his side, has had aneven rougher time trying to persuade his people that the Israelis earnestly seek a peace deal.Since July 19th, when America's secretary of state, John Kerry, announced that peace talkswould restart, Israel—say human-rights campaigners—has detained eight times as manyPalestinians as it has just released.
Indeed, many Palestinians deride Mr Abbas for winning freedom for so tiny a share of the 5,071Palestinians said to be behind bars for politically motivated acts of violence or subversion. Allbut one of the first 26 to be let out were convicted in or before 1994. If the talks last longenough, a further 78 Palestinians are due to be freed in batches in the coming months.
Mr Abbas's Palestinian critics say his non-violent policy is plainly less effective than that ofHamas, the Islamist faction that runs the Gaza Strip. In 2011 Hamas got Mr Netanyahu torelease more than 1,000 prisoners in exchange for a single Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, whohad been captured by Hamas and held for five years.
阿巴斯的巴方批评者声称,阿巴斯的非暴力政策没有操控加沙地带的伊斯兰组织哈马斯的政策有效。2011年哈马斯迫使内塔尼亚胡释放了1000多名俘虏用来交换一名被其俘获并拘留了5年的以色列士兵Gilad Shalit。
Few issues stir Palestinian emotions as fiercely as the fate of prisoners. Almost every Palestinianhas a relative in jail—or has been there himself. Human-rights groups estimate that 750,000Palestinians have passed through Israeli prisons since the West Bank and Gaza were conqueredin 1967. Some 2,300 Palestinians were detained in the first six months of this year alone.Whereas Israelis generally dub them terrorists, Palestinians call them asra, or prisoners of war,and devote large chunks of their public broadcasts and budget to supporting them and theirfamilies. Some have been sentenced for complicity in the 100-plus suicide-bombings whichshook Israel during the intifada (uprising) that fizzled out in 2005. But many of those thatlanguish in 17 special Israeli jails have no such blood on their hands.
They include 14 members of the Palestinian parliament and hundreds of non-violent protesterswho have tried in vain to stop Israel's army and settlers from acquiring their land. The militarylaws that Israel applies in the occupied territories make anyone taking part in anti-Israelidemonstrations liable to be arrested. Under Military Order 1651, throwing stones at people orproperty can carry a ten-year jail sentence. Of those Palestinians in prison, 193 are minors,nearly all brought to court in leg shackles and handcuffs.
But Palestinians know their governments often treat political opponents little better. Since thePalestinian territories were split in June 2007 between Hamas-ruled Gaza and Mr Abbas's WestBank, both sides have habitually rounded up each other's activists. Scores languish inPalestinian jails; some have been tortured.
Hamas's government has executed at least 16 for crimes including collaboration with Israel,and says it will hang two more publicly within days as “a lesson”. Under Israeli law people can beexecuted only for treason, genocide and “crimes against the Jewish people”. No one has beensentenced to death in an Israeli court since the execution in 1962 of Adolf Eichmann, anorganiser of the Holocaust.
哈马斯政府已经至少处死了犯下与以色列勾结罪行的16人,并声称将在数天内公开绞死至少2人以儆效尤。在以色列法律中,仅有叛国、种族灭绝、反对犹太人罪行才被处以死刑。自从1962年对犹太人大屠杀组织者Adolf Eichmann的处死之后,没有人在以色列法庭被判死刑。
Conviction rates for Palestinians in Israel's military courts, where most politically motivatedcases are heard, exceed 99%. So many are processed every day that there is scant time todelve into detail, let alone study cases in advance. Military judges, working in makeshift courts,rely on the testimony of soldiers to secure convictions, but when they fail to turn up, thedetainees are often sent back to prison.
What Palestinians want as a sign of good intent, is the release of thousands, not scores, oftheir compatriots. The Israelis hint that they will see how the talks proceed—and let moreprisoners trickle out if things go well.
1.sit down 坐下
例句:Get yourself some grub and come and sit down.
2.accuse of 控告
例句:I hate it when people accuse us of that.
3.due to 由于
例句:His success was largely due to hard work.
4.devote to 致力于
例句:If the sheer number of things you have to get done on any single day is overwhelming,consider how much time you devote to each task.
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