Grocery shopping
Aisle be damned
For the best bargains, avoid shopping around foryour groceries
THRIFTY shoppers do not have to look far to find abargain. Offers abound in the cut-throat world of British supermarkets. Received wisdomsuggests that people trying to save money on their groceries should shop around to get thebest prices. But research presented on April 9th at the Royal Economic Society suggests thatthose who do so end up paying more.
Kun Tian, a researcher at Cardiff Business School, and Ji Yan of Durham University, the paper'sauthors, argue that people who buy all their groceries at just one of the big supermarkets(Tesco, Sainsbury's, Asda and Morrisons) pay less than those who purchase equivalentgoods at a mixture of the four of them. Data from Kantar Worldpanel, a market-research firm,show similar trends. Unlike Mr Tian's study, these cover total purchases rather than comparingequivalent baskets of goods. They show that people who bought groceries in just one storeduring the 12 weeks to September 2013 spent 631. Those who went to ten different places, bycontrast, forked out 1,249.
Many of those high-spending shoppers probably had money to burn. But bargain-hunters whovisit lots of shops are exposed to more products, and thus more likely to buy things they hadnot planned to, argues Phil Dorsett, an analyst at Kantar. Mr Tian reckons that promiscuousshoppers suffer from missing out on savings offered to more loyal customers, especially thoseearned after spending a lot in a particular store. Shoppers who frequent an abundance ofdifferent outlets also tend to be older, says Mr Tian. They are less likely than people with youngfamilies to take advantage of deals that require them to buy goods in bulk.
Those who buy their groceries in fewer emporia—and so spend less—are also more likely to dotheir shopping online. And on the internet they are more likely to buy products fromsupermarkets' cheaper own-label ranges, says Edward Garner, also of Kantar. Supermarkets donot always stock such ranges in their small convenience outlets; people shopping in a hurrymay as well be encouraged to buy more expensive varieties. In big stores, low-cost lines may bestashed well above or below a harried shopper's line of sight. Search a supermarket's onlinestore, however, and they pop up just as appetisingly as more expensive brands. That providesmuch less scope for shelf deception.
1.end up 结束;告终
例句:We will end up living in a society where life ischeap.
2.plan to 打算;计划
例句:The Canadians plan to deliver more food tosouthern Somalia.
3.tend to 倾向于;趋向
例句:We tend to meet up for lunch once a week.
4.likely to 倾向于;可能要
例句:The fires are likely to permanently deforest the land.
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