
时间:2016-03-17 09:53:30  / 编辑:Abby
   The United States, Canada, France, Germany, Italy,Japan, the United Kingdom, and the presidents ofthe European Council and European Commissionreaffirmed their support for Ukraine's sovereignty,territorial integrity and independence.

  In their Hague Declaration, these countries stronglycondemned the illegal military actions and“annexation” of Crimea by Russia.

  Russia's actions, the declaration affirmed, will havesignificant consequences. In addition to thesanctions already imposed, the U.S. and its allies remain ready to implement additionalsanctions that would have a significant impact on the Russian economy.

  Russia can choose to avoid these consequences, but it must take actions now. Russia mustrespect Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty, begin discussions with the governmentof Ukraine, and accept offers of international mediation and monitoring to address legitimateconcerns.

  The leaders of the G-7, the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Japanannounced that they will not participate in the planned G-8 summit in Sochi, Russia. "We willsuspend our participation in the G-8 until Russia changes course and the environmentcomes back to where the G-8 is able to have a meaningful discussion and will meet again in G-7format at the same time as planned, in June 2014, in Brussels." G-7 members will also meet todiscuss ways to strengthen their collective energy security.

  Mindful of Ukraine's economic situation, the G-7 strongly supports the International MonetaryFund's efforts to lessen the country's economic vulnerabilities and better integrate the countryas a market economy in a multilateral system.

  The G-7 strongly supports the Ukrainian government's ambitious political reform agenda thatincludes constitutional reform, free and fair presidential elections in May, promotion ofhuman rights and respect of national minorities.

  The United States and its allies remain firm in their support for the people of Ukraine who seekto restore unity, democracy, political stability, and economic prosperity to their country.




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