The high school students at the U.S. Capitolheadlined an event honoring African-American singerMarian Anderson, who overcame racial prejudice 75 years ago.
With the help of President Franklin Roosevelt and his wife, Marian Anderson was allowed toperform at an open air concert on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in April 1939.
Anderson's concert was organized after she was refused permission to sing at a nearbyConstitution Hall because she was black. Following a public outcry 75,000 people insteadattended a free concert at the Lincoln Memorial.
Anderson was already well known in Europe in the 1930s, but this concert broadcast aroundthe United States heightened her fame.
"She opened the world to this idea of concert singing, and she also brought the history of theNegro spiritual which until then has been like a community-type song," said WashingtonPerforming Arts Society Music Director Stanley Thurston.
Anderson also became an important figure in the American civil rights movement and for blackartists who faced racial discrimination.
Alice McClellan remembers the first time she saw Anderson sing at the 1963 March onWashington.
"It made you believe in equal rights, and it made you speak out even when you wouldn't have,"she said. "It made you raise your voice and be aware of all people, not just blacks, for allpeople.
Anderson became the first black to perform at the Metropolitan Opera in New York in 1955 andwent on to sing at the Carnegie Hall, the White House and at presidential inaugurations.
Now, decades later, young people are learning about Anderson and the songs she helpedpopularize.
Vocalist Annisse Murillo says she's grateful for the opportunity to honor Anderson and followin her footsteps.
"She inspired me to sing my way," she said. "You don't have to fight with words or get angry.
These young artists say it's important to learn both about Anderson's music and how it helpedbring change to an entire nation.
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