Rural Limpopo Province is supposed to be theheartland of the African National Congress.
The party has dominated elections since Nelson Mandela brought it to power in 1994. But itappears to be losing ground.
The ANC is campaigning hard to hold on to its dominance here, where it won 85 percent of thevote in 2009.
But there are no election posters here in the village of Gwakwani.
The nearest town is a grueling two-hour drive away over rough terrain. Gwakwani has nopaved roads or running water and is not on the electric grid.
Even without that though, there is great love for the ANC according to says local ANCrepresentative Rabelani Gadabeni.
"Every issue, everything that you can see here is because of the ANC," said Gadabeni.
Not so fast, says 23-year-old resident Christopher Nefolovhodwe, who favors the oppositionDemocratic Alliance since he says the ANC has not provided basic services.
"I want to make some changes because ANC has been managing for a long time and nochanges that ANC do for us. I think that if we vote for the DA, maybe some changes will be," hesaid.
In recent months, President Jacob Zuma has come under fire for misusing tens of millions ofdollars in government funds to renovate his home. And there have been numerous protestspushing for basic services such as clean water and electricity.
Urban voting
In Johannesburg, voters seem less likely to support the ruling party, although the ANC won 64percent in the 2009 election.
Some voters are upset over the introduction of electronically-tolled highways in the car-crazyprovince.
Accounting student Songezo Mcapukisi is from Nelson Mandela's home province, but moved tothe city. He says he can't support Mandela's party.
"The e-tolls and the cost of living is really very high. And we need to create an environment forinvestment in the country. And the current government has been doing badly in terms ofbringing investors into the country," said Mcapukisi.
Other Johannesburg voters say they're conflicted.
"I'm fed up and I want change, because I feel - nothing against the ruling party," saidconference manager Gugulethu Mazibuko. "I love the ANC and they've done so much for thecountry, but at the same time, I feel that they have to also realize that we put them there… Andthey can't just be like dictators, like whatever they say goes.
Those arguments are not as loud in Limpopo province, but some rural residents are losing faithin the ANC.
But will Limpopo turn? One voter declined to disclose her choice - but her hips, well, theydon't lie.
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