Marathon Sports, a sport store, is close to the finish line of the Boston Marathon. When abomb exploded outside its doors on April 15 of last year, the store became a makeshiftemergency room. Manager Shane O'Hara said that when some of the most seriously woundedwere brought in, his employees tore sports clothes off hangers to make tourniquets andbandages.
"We had one kind of where we're standing now, and we had one in the corner, I had one on thebench, and I want to say there was one down in the basement. The scene outside was themost gruesome thing I've ever seen, other than just watching an actual war-style movie, that'swhat you saw, but this was totally real life," said O’Hara.
O'Hara is still recovering from the mental shock of the experience. A marathon runner fromlast year, Heather Abbott, was one of many victims who lost their limbs in the blast. Her left legwas amputated below the knee and she received a life-like prosthesis.
"I think I found myself to be a little more emotional than I expected at this time of the year,just because it brings back memories of what I was doing around this time last year, and thefact that I didn't know I only had a few weeks left with my two legs," said Abbott.
Abbott attended a memorial service Tuesday for the victims of the attack. With her was PeterRiddle, one of the people who helped get her to safety after the attack. At the service, VicePresident Joe Biden praised Americans for the courage displayed in the face of terrifyingcarnage, and for registering to run in even greater numbers this year.
"America will never, ever - ever - stand down. We are Boston, we are America, we respond, weendure, we overcome and we own the finish line," said Biden.
Abbott said she plans to be at that finish line Monday to watch two first-time Boston Marathonrunners cross it. They were the two people who first ran to her aid.
"I'll be watching Erin Chatham, who's the woman who initially found me on the ground, crossthe finish line. She's running the marathon for the first time, and Peter [Riddle] is as well, so I'mreally excited to be with them that day," said Abbott.
Security has been bolstered for this year's Boston Marathon. Authorities will increase thenumber of police officers in the city, while bags, bottles and canisters are banned along themarathon route. It is believed that the suspected bombers carried homemade explosives intheir backpacks.
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