
时间:2016-01-11 09:49:20  / 编辑:Abby
   Human rights groups say attacks againstChristians in the Middle East have multiplied inthe aftermath of the Arab Spring and aretriggering an exodus from the region. AndChristian activists in the U.S. say PresidentBarack Obama is not doing enough to preventit.

  Last year, the bloody crackdown on a MuslimBrotherhood protest camp in Cairo drewinternational condemnation.

  But less attention was paid to the many Egyptian churches that were attacked in the days thatfollowed.

  In Iraq, Christians number about a third of the pre-U.S. invasion population - and there arefears the same will happen in Syria, where a group of nuns was recently kidnapped andreleased.

  Congress has held hearings on “the persecution of Christians” and one looking at Egypt waschaired by Representative Christopher Smith:

  “We are witnessing grievous violence and other forms of intimidation directed againstreligious and political minorities, particularly the Copts and other Christians about which ourgovernment and the media have said far too little," said Smith.

  At the National Prayer Breakfast in February, President Barack Obama’s speech was aboutreligious freedom abroad.

  “No society can truly succeed unless it guarantees the rights of all its peoples, including religiousminorities, whether they’re Ahmadiyya Muslims in Pakistan, or Baha’i in Iran, or Coptic Christiansin Egypt," said President Obama.

  “We were really encouraged because at the prayer breakfast, he came out with a very strongstatement. Very encouraging. But you look at the followup to that and there hasn’t been any,"said Jeff King.

  Lobbyist Jeff King says Christians are persecuted around the world and President Obama shouldact.

  “He’s very vocal on the subject of the persecution of the gay community," he said.

  But King says the president did not even bring up discrimination against Christians in hismeeting with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, where churches are banned.

  U.S. foreign policy already prioritizes minority rights, says former Mideast envoy Dennis Ross.But he says the plight of Christians might need a special focus.

  “If there’s concern it hasn’t been addressed enough, that in itself suggests maybe it should beaddressed more," said Ross.

  But activists concede it’s hard to press the issue because in the West, Christians are notwidely seen as a vulnerable minority.




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