
时间:2015-12-10 09:48:56  / 编辑:Abby
   STATE DEPARTMENT — Russian PresidentVladimir Putin's approach to pro-Russianmilitants destabilizing southern and easternUkraine differs from his strategy on Crimea,where Russian forces took a more active role inbreaking away the peninsula from Kyiv.

  Massing Russian soldiers along the Ukrainian bordermirrors the troop build-up that preceded Moscow'sannexation of the Crimean peninsula.

  Putin appears to have a different approach,however, to Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the southern and eastern provinces, some of whomwant him to send troops to protect them.

  American University professor Keith Darden said Putin sees those separatists not as futureRussians, but more as a lever to influence what happens in Ukraine.

  "Whereas Crimea he saw as a strategic asset that was important to pull away, the strategicvalue of the south and the east of Ukraine is within Ukraine as a bulwark against Kyiv turningfurther to the West, joining NATO, engaging more actively with the European union  . So hewants to keep them in Ukraine but more powerful," said Darden.

  Separatists in Donetsk are planning a Crimea-like referendum on leaving Ukraine.

  Denis Pushilin, one of the separatist leaders, said, "The referendum will make it possible for usto build a relationship with any other country, federalization or non-federalization, or just togain independence.

  Federalism is the most likely way Moscow would seek to maintain its hold on Russian-speakersin the south and east. Such an outcome, though, would give up far too much to Putin,according to Heritage Foundation researcher Ariel Cohen.

  "What is really federalization of Ukraine? Federalization of Ukraine is rendering Ukraine impotentas a nation state. It is dictating a constitutional change to a neighboring country. And I amwondering what would federalization mean for Russia itself?" asks Cohen.

  The Russian leader maintains that all Ukrainians should be free to choose their future,dismissing criticism that Moscow imposed the referendum on Crimea that led to annexation.

  "If we are being honest and objective, then it will be clear to everyone that it is impossible toforce people from their houses, their apartments under a gun and make them go to a pollingstation to vote," said Putin.

  Putin said he is open to resuming normal relations with the West. He also said there can be nocomparing Kyiv's actions against pro-Russian separatists today with Moscow's campaignagainst Chechen separatists in the 1990s.

  "In the North Caucasus we were faced with an aggression by international terrorism. Thosewere properly-formed, well-prepared gangs supplied and armed from abroad. That is a bigdifference," said Putin.

  Reagan Administration Soviet advisor John Lenczowski said Putin's approach in Ukraine is rifewith Soviet-era tactics.

  "Moscow is paranoid. This was a classic Soviet strategic deception theme," said Lenczowski. "It is designed to get everybody in the West to believe that we have to handle Moscow with kidgloves. 'We cannot provoke them too much, we cannot resist what they're doing or else it willprovoke them and make things worse.'

  Russia says its troops along the border are not meant to interfere in Ukraine and are thereonly as a precaution against any spillover of violence.




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