
时间:2015-12-04 09:49:41  / 编辑:Abby
   WASHINGTON — The United States has accusedRussia of orchestrating armed resistance ineastern Ukraine. U.S. Secretary of State JohnKerry Thursday warned Moscow of cripplingeconomic sanctions if it fails to adhere tocommitments it made earlier this month inGeneva. Russia has begun military exercisesclose to its border with Ukraine and says it isready to step in to defend pro-Russianseparatists.

  Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday there isno doubt that Russia has sent armed men who have occupied government buildings in severaleastern Ukrainian towns.

  "The world knows that peaceful protesters don't come armed with grenade launchers andautomatic weapons, the latest issue from the Russian arsenal, hiding the insignias on theirbrand new matching military uniforms and speaking in dialects that every local knows comefrom thousands of miles away. The world knows that the Russian intelligence operativesarrested in Ukraine didn't just take a wrong turn on the highway. In fact, we have seen soldierswearing uniforms identical to the ones Russian soldiers wore in Crimea last month," said Kerry.

  Kerry said Ukraine promptly began implementing steps it agreed to in Geneva earlier thismonth.

  "From day one, Prime Minister [Arseniy] Yatsenyuk has kept his word. He immediately agreed tohelp vacate buildings. He suspended Ukraine's counterterrorism initiative over Easter,choosing de-escalation despite Ukraine's legitimate, fundamental right to defend its ownterritory and its own people," said Kerry.

  Kerry also said Russia has acted to further destabilize Ukraine to pave the way for moreincursions in the country's east.

  Russian President Vladimir Putin has said he would send troops into Ukraine to defend pro-Russian population in eastern Ukraine. Five separatists were reported killed Thursday inclashes with government forces dispatched to retake occupied government buildings inSlovyansk.

  "If the current authorities in Kyiv did that, then they are simply acting like a junta, or acriminal gang," said Putin.

  Russia on Thursday began military drills close to its border with Ukraine. Defense MinisterSergei Shoigu said Moscow had to act after, as he said, Kyiv deployed 11,000 troops and 160tanks in eastern Ukraine.

  "We are forced to react to such a development in this situation," said Shoigu.

  Ukrainian Ambassador to the United Nations Yuriy Sergeyev told VOA Thursday that hisgovernment halted the operation in Slovyansk as soon as it turned deadly.

  "The ministry of interior decided to suspend the active phase of this action, to look what couldhappen after that, and still addressing the separatists to surrender," said Sergeyev.

  Sergeyev said Russia has done nothing to discourage pro-Russian activity in Ukraine's east ortaken any other steps to fulfill its Geneva commitments.

  Kerry said international sanctions already have hurt Russia's economy and finances. He said ifMoscow continues on its path of distraction, deception and destabilization, the cost will bemuch higher.




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