In central Baghdad, posters of the candidates areeverywhere. Many Iraqis are filing their registrationpapers to receive their voter ID cards.
The parliamentary elections are viewed as a key testfor the country’s fledgling democracy.
Voters like Maath Mussab are hoping for change. “We hope that new faces will replace thecurrent ones. We're tired of seeing the same faces for eight years. They have done nothing forus. We hope for a change, God willing.”
Increasing attacks
But the voting comes as Iraq is suffering from a surge in violence. Militants have used carbombings and suicide attacks in an attempt to derail the elections.
Former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq James Jeffrey said the turmoil is not a surprise.
“Democratic processes are always messy. They always look hopeless until, to quote WinstonChurchill, 'you consider the alternative.' This is particularly so in countries that are developingdemocracies,” said Jeffrey.
Analysts say Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s coalition is expected to do well on election day.
The prime minister’s position likely was strengthened when influential Shi’ite cleric Moqtadaal-Sadr announced he was pulling out of Iraqi politics earlier this year.
Middle East expert Jonathan Schanzer said, “He [Nouri al-Maliki] has found a way to get atighter and tighter grip on power. The expectation is that he will really emerge as the onlygame in town.”
Security concerns
Because of security concerns, voting is not expected to take place in Fallujah, in restive Anbarprovince. Hardline jihadists inspired by al-Qaida have taken over much of the city since January.
The Bagdad government has been striking back, but mostly on the outskirts of the city.
“And so the question is how much of a foothold are they going to gain? How much will the stateof Iraq push back against these groups, or will they allow these areas of weak central authorityto become overrun and remain in the hands of these jihadi groups?” asked Schanzer:
The United States has sent Hellfire air-to-surface missiles and other weapons to help Iraq fightthe insurgents, but officials have made it clear American troops will not be involved.
And the upcoming election in Iraq appears to have generated little interest among theAmerican public.
“There is a sense of disappointment and disenchantment with Iraq after we put so much intoit," said former Ambassador Jeffrey. "And it didn’t turn out to look like Denmark. My feeling is itnever was going to, but, nonetheless, the American people are a bit disillusioned. That istrue.”
Analysts say that once a new parliament is elected, it could take months to negotiate a coalitiongovernment, since it's unlikely any party will win an outright majority.
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