A Jewish prayer was once forbidden, as themarchers set out under the rain and under the signthat bears one of history’s most horrible lies: “Arbeit Macht Frei” - “Work Makes (One) Free.”
“The March of the Living” takes place on Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel,and it has been held every year since 1988.
The event stands in opposition to the death marches carried out here by the Nazis.
Branko Lustig, who produced the movie Schindler’s List, took part in one of them. He said hecould not have imagined this day.
"Never. You know when I was here in the camp I was just thinking how to survive one moreminute," he said.
More than a million people, mostly Jews, were sent to their deaths in gas chambers, whileothers were forced to live in conditions that few survived.
“Nations should never forget this, it can never happen again,” said Fanni Gal, who toured thecamp just before the march.
There were many participants from Hungary, the country of origin for one-third of the Jews whodied here.
Kristina Kuhn is also Hungarian, and also one of many non-Jews who marched.
"It's important for the young generation, because in Hungary it's a big problem, the anti-Semitism," said Kuhn.
March organizers want to bring as many young people as possible to Auschwitz to betransformed by the experience of being in the place that has become the symbol ofhumanity's greatest evil.
As the long column finished the three-kilometer march and arrived at Auschwitz’s sister camp,Birkenau, victims’ names echoed from the loudspeakers.
Another survivor, former Israeli chief rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, recalled what happened to a manwho arrived on a transport and wanted to get his prayer articles.
“He jumped into the wagon, against the rules, and he brought out with him the talis andtefillin. They were beating him to death, on the spot!” recalled Lau.
On this spot now, putting on these tefillin, small boxes containing Hebrew texts, is a mitzvah -a good deed.
March organizer David Machlis, an economics professor at Adelphi University, said the slogan“Never Again” does not mean terrible things will not recur.
“My interpretation of ‘Never Again’ is never again we should be indifferent,” explained Machlis.
He hopes that each of the 150,000 people who have been on this march will have learned thedangers of indifference.
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