
时间:2015-11-06 09:56:21  / 编辑:danyang

  HOUSTON — Immigrants from Central Americacontinue to cross the U.S.-Mexico border insouth Texas, seeking asylum in the UnitedStates, as officials grapple with ways to dealwith the problem and provide shelter forthousands of minors among the illegal bordercrossers. The issue is complicated by internalU.S. politics and U.S. relations with the troublednations that immigrants are fleeing.

  Central American migrants continue to arrive at thesouth Texas border, overwhelming U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement facilities there and diverting agents from patrols.

  Texas Governor Rick Perry has ordered up to a thousand National Guard troops to the borderto help prevent illegal activity.

  "Drug cartels, human traffickers, individual criminals are exploiting this tragedy for their owncriminal opportunities," said Perry.

  Although Perry said the troops’ presence would deter many lawbreakers, law enforcementofficials in the border area are skeptical, since the National Guard lacks the authority toarrest or detain people.

  But Tony Payan, director of the Mexico Center at Rice University’s Baker Institute, said Perry’splan might discourage people from crossing the border.

  "This impact that 1,000 National Guard members may have is if you deployed them in aspecific area that is seeing a lot of traffic, because they may be able to stem the tide. So, insome sense, it is not altogether in vain," said Payan.

  But Payan said an overall reform of the U.S. immigration system is needed to resolve thiscrisis.

  "In the end, it is not new, it has always been there and it is only one small bit of a largerproblem, which only Congress and the president can resolve," he said.

  But that resolution is on hold for now, as the Obama administration seeks $3.7 billion fromCongress to deal with the Central American influx, which U.S. Homeland Security Secretary JehJohnson said is quickly depleting funds.

  "At our current burn rate within the Department of Homeland Security, ICE [Immigration andCustoms Enforcement will run out of money by mid-August; Customs and Border Patrol will runout by mid-September," he said.

  But many Republican lawmakers, like Alabama Senator Richard Shelby, are reluctant toapprove the request.

  "Will this request be the end or will it be the beginning of many new requests by theadministration for emergency funding?" asked Shelby.

  Payan said enforcement efforts alone will not be effective. "This is really a transnationalproblem that requires that the U.S., Mexico and the three Central American nations in thenorthern triangle of that section of the continent sit down and find development solutions,long-term solutions to this problem.

  President Barack Obama met with the presidents of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala lastweek. They all pledged cooperation and agreed much more needs to be done to address thefundamental reasons for the migration.




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