
时间:2015-10-21 09:48:24  / 编辑:danyang

  NAIROBI, KENYA— Kenya is famed for itsmedical research facilities. In the growing wakeof the Ebola virus, health officials there now areconfident they could quickly contain the diseaseshould the outbreak in West Africa travel east.

  Downtown in the heart of Kenya’s capital, Nairobi,people go about their daily business.

  But Kenyans -- like Africans across the continent --are concerned that if efforts to contain thecurrent Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa were to fail, that could leave their countryexposed.

  Kenya's Health Ministry is charged with overseeing preparedness for infectious disease andepidemics.

  Preparation plans

  Dr. Nicholas Muraguri, the director of Medical Services, told VOA that if there were an Ebolaoutbreak, Kenya is prepared.

  “We have a contingency plan that’s been coordinated by an Ebola outbreak response teamwhich has a number of sub-committees looking at various aspects," said Muraguri. "We alsohave an elaborate laboratory system that clearly defines how the samples will be collected.”




  Ebola virus, rapid rise in spread of the disease, Aug. 7, 2014

  KEMRI, the Kenya Medical Research Foundation, is where a team of scientists is working tomitigate any reported case or outbreak of the virus.

  Dr. Shikanga O-tipo led a team of four Kenyan doctors to assist Liberians with technicalexpertise on Ebola. He said they have taken steps to prevent an outbreak in Kenya.

  “Our routine surveillance was stepped up from 26th of March this year when we were notifiedthere was an outbreak in West Africa. Where we have issued out alerts to the health caresystem," said O-tipo. "We are screening inbound travellers at our main airport, at the same timewe are also educating health workers in the major hospital first, then all over the country.”

  Ready to assist

  Health officials are hopeful Kenya will remain Ebola-free. But Kenya also is ready to help others.A second group of health experts is set to travel to West Africa in the next few weeks tosupport containment efforts.




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