WASHINGTON— In coming weeks, PresidentBarack Obama is expected to take executiveaction to address the plight of millions ofundocumented immigrants in the United States— provoking cheers from immigrant rightsgroups and condemnation from those who seeit as amnesty for law-breakers.
Congress has not passed comprehensiveimmigration reform or approved funds to deal witha surge of child migrants at America’s southernborder.
Immigrant activists have demonstrated outside the White House and engaged in civildisobedience demanding an end to deportations of the undocumented.
Yaritza is a U.S. citizen who fears for her Mexican-born mother living illegally in the UnitedStates, and has a message for the president.
“ Stop separating families. If he can somehow keep children and their families together, thatwould be the best,” she said.
Obama has already promised to act.
“I am beginning a new effort to fix as much of our immigration system as I can on my own,without Congress," he said. "If Congress will not do its job, at least we can do ours.”
Such a move will be fiercely opposed by Republicans like Senator Jeff Sessions who says that“Congress passes law. The president must execute the law. The president is not entitled tomake law, to conduct actions contrary to plain law.”
Complicating the picture is the arrival of tens of thousands of underage Central Americansentitled to immigration hearings under current U. S. law. The influx has overwhelmed federalfacilities and alarmed officials in some states where the children have been placed.
“ Since the health status of these children is unknown, do they pose a risk to other children inNorth Carolina? If the numbers increase at this rate, it could have a severe impact on thecurrent resources we have available to take care of North Carolina children,” said NorthCarolina Governor Pat McCrory.
But Congress adjourned for a five-week recess without boosting federal funds to house andprocess child migrants - or reforming U.S. immigration law.
Partisan finger-pointing dominates the immigration debate. Republican Senator John Cornynblames the White House.
"The president has effectively encouraged children and their parents to make thistreacherous, life-threatening journey by suggesting he will not enforce the law," he said.
Democrats decry the Republican-led House’s refusal to vote on a comprehensive reform billthat passed the Senate last year.
"The Republican leadership is so afriad they might actually have to take a position onimmigration - they might have to vote yes or no. It is so much easier not to do anything andsay, ’Oh, it must be President Obama’s fault,’" said Senator Patrick Leahy.
In such a climate, Obama has little to lose by taking matters into his own hands, according toThomas Mann, political analyst at the Brookings Institution.
"The politics are very straightforward: nothing President Obama does would assuage theRepublican opposition," he said. "If he does this, he will do it because he believes it is the rightthing to do now."
An estimated 11-to-12 million foreigners are living illegally in the United States.
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