
时间:2015-09-09 10:01:36  / 编辑:danyang

  LONDON— World leaders will be watching U.S.President Barack Obama's speech Wednesdayto see how far he has come in developing astrategy to fight the Islamic State group, withparticular interest in whether he will be able tobring Middle Eastern countries into the coalitionannounced in Wales last week.

  The United States has launched more than 100airstrikes against the militants in Iraq, supportinglocal forces and protecting key installations.

  At the NATO summit last week, nearly a dozen countries agreed to work together onintelligence, logistics and other aspects of the fight.

  Now, President Obama is launching a broader strategy and inviting more countries to join,something he signaled at the end of the summit.

  “I think it is absolutely critical that we have Arab states, and specifically Sunni majoritystates, that are rejecting the kind of extremist nihilism that we're seeing out of ISIL that saythat is not what Islam is about, and are prepared to join us actively in the fight," said thepresident.

  Experts say the participation of Middle Eastern countries is crucial to defeat the militantfighters, who are known as ISIL, ISIS and by their new name, the Islamic State. They havetaken over wide areas of Iraq and Syria, and killed or terrorized thousands of local residents.

  Yet research consultant Kathleen McInnis of London's Chatham House cautions that coalitionsare much more easily built than maintained.




  “While everybody agrees ISIS is odious, they need to be defeated, the regional players --Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar -- they all have very different interests and objectivesfor the region," said McInnis.

  And Obama will have to work hard even to convince U.S. allies to do more in the fight againstIslamic State, according to James Boys of London's King's College, who spoke via Skype.

  “One of the challenges, I think, is it's very, very difficult for European powers, I think, to takeseriously a president and an administration who only a week or so ago were saying there is nostrategy with regard to what's going on," said Boys.

  Still, Britain has already announced it will sell weapons to the Iraqi military, and experts saythe formation of a new Iraqi government could make it possible to get more Iraqis to join thefight against the militants.

  President Obama's goal is not necessarily to build as large a coalition as the U.S. had inAfghanistan -- nearly 60 countries, which paid tribute to their veterans and fallen troops at aNATO summit ceremony.

  But the experts say it must be broad and capable enough to defeat an enemy similar toAfghanistan's Taliban -- a militant group that still controls a wide area.

  And that's why Kathleen McInnis said the president's speech on Wednesday is so important.

  "It's going to be an incredibly important speech because he needs to make the case that notonly is the time now for the international community to act, but also that he is serious, thatthe Obama administration, the United States of America, is willing to do what it takes toeliminate the ISIS threat," she said.

  In recent decades, the United States has led coalitions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Soon, the worldwill hear Obama's ideas for a new coalition to fight a new threat in that same part of the world.




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