研究显示环尾狐猴或是气味大师 根据不同腺体调制交流用气味

时间:2016-06-01 14:55:12  / 编辑:Abby

  Ring-tailed lemurs are a chatty lot.

  They vocalize to exchange information.

  And they also communicate via a veritablesmorgasbord of stinky secretions they use to marktheir territory and advertise their romanticavailability.

  But male lemurs, which have more scent glands thando females, are really masters of musk—because they sometimes mix their smelly secretions toproduce a veritable bouquet of stank.

  And now researchers have a better idea why.

  Male lemurs sometimes use the scent glands on their wrists to mark tree branches andsaplings.

  Other times, they double down, rubbing their wrists against glands on their chests to create afoul and funky fusion.

  This special blend can then be smeared over objects or wiped onto their tails, which the maleswave at their rivals in a display that scientists refer to as a “stink fight.”

  But why create such a custom combination?

  Perhaps adding the oily exudate from the chest alters the information conveyed by the wrist.

  Or maybe it acts as a kind of preservative that makes the wrist signal longer lasting.

  To find out, researchers gathered secretions from a dozen ring-tailed lemurs at the Duke LemurCenter in North Carolina.

  They then presented male lemurs with wooden dowels that were doused with either the wristfragrance, the chest scent, or a mixture of the two.

  And they found that males spent more time sniffing the stick with the mixture, which suggeststhat the fragrant combination does contain more interesting information than the soloscents alone.

  But the lemurs were even more interested in the odiferous amalgamation when it was left out toevaporate for 12 hours, licking the sticks to better access the dried volatile compounds.

  That observation supports the theory that mixing secretions actually boosts their stayingpower.

  The results are in the journal Royal Society Open Science.

  So while a rose is a rose is a rose, the perfume of the ring-tailed lemur is a complexconcoction, the subtle meaning of which lies in the nose of the beholder.

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  • 姓名:靳博乔


中学时代即留学于新加坡理工学院,后毕业于英国南威尔士大学计算机专业,在新加坡居住及工作多年,曾担任新加坡管理发展学院(MDIS)、新加坡亚太管理学院(Kaplan Singapore)、新加坡管理大学(SIM)等教育机构的招生顾问。客观地为同学们留学海外提供帮助。在新加坡任职期间,帮助许多国际学生(包括中国学生)成功留学新加坡,澳大利亚,新西兰,英国和美国。



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