一诺留学小编在此与大家分享2015年7月雅思口语Part 1&2预测,希望对各位备战2015年7月雅思考试有所帮助。
Part 1:
1. Your Work or Your Studies
2. Your Hometown
3. Your Home (Your Accommodation)
1. *Newspaper & News
2. *Emails & Letters & Phone
3. *Furits & Vegatables
4. *Sports
5. *Leisure Time & Being Alone
6. *Concert
7. *Travelling & Public Transport
8. *Helping Others
9. *Party
10. *Subject/Math
11. *Future Plan
12. Advertisement
13. Books/Reading
14. Clothes
15. Collection
16. Museums and Art Galleries
17. Music
18. Shopping
19. Sky
20. Sleeping
21. Teachers
22. Television
23. Time Management
24. Trees
25. Vistors
26. Weather Season and Climate
27. Weekends
Part 2:
1. *A friend who is a good leader
2. *A good teacher
3. *Someone you know who is very fashionable/ well dressed
4. *Meet a friend who you haven’t seen for a long time
5. *A person you disagree with
6. * An occasion when you were surprised to see someone
7. *Someone you know who can speak a second language well
8. *A time when a child made you laugh
9. Some Useful Advice that You Received
10. A time when you helped a stranger
11. Someone you don't like but have to be friendly to
12. A person who is good at cooking
1. *A Garden/ A Park
2. *A place where you get lost
3. *A restaurant/Café you enjoy
4. *A place near water
5. *A place to relax except your home
6. An App
7. One Trip that You Like
8. One Holiday
9. A Foreign Country You Would Like to Visit
10. A Building
11. A Historic Place
12. A colorful place
帮助数十名学生拿到几个国家的顶级院校录取,包括:芝加哥、康奈尔、杜克大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、西北大学、范德堡大学、南加州大学、波士顿大学、新加坡国立大学、巴斯大学、UCL等世界名校。曾帮助学生凭借88分托福斩获Purdue University, Indiana University(Bloomington)教育技术学PHD offer, 89分托福成功拿到南加州大学LLM录取。引领学生挖掘自身最大潜力,量身定做最佳留学方案。
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