If you haven't already picked up on the trend fromall the whining on Bravo’s Princesses: Long Island,marriage rates in America are at an all-time low. Andthe median age at which women do say "I do" is now27, the highest it's been in a century. That'saccording to a new report by Bowling Green StateUniversity’s Julissa Cruz, published by the NationalCenter for Family and Marriage Research.
如果你没有从长岛的Bravo’s Princesses抱怨声中听出趋势,那么告诉你,现在美国的结婚率处在一个最低值。女性结婚的平均年龄是27岁,本世纪以来的最高值。这是出自鲍林格林大学的Julissa Cruz发表在国家家庭与婚姻研究中心的一份报告。
In the 1920s, 92 women walked down the aisle each year per 1000 single women of marryingage. Today, it's a third that. Marriage rates were expected to plateau in the wake of the babyboom, but so far they just keep dropping.
Apparently, many college-educated women are simply putting off getting hitched, and manyblack women might be foregoing it altogether. Because while every ethnic group has seen adrop in the proportion of married women since the '50s, it's dipped lowest for black women—just 26 percent of whom are married.
In the U.K. and most of Europe, the average age for women tying the knot is already morethan 30. And if Long Island’s reality stars are an indicator, we're soon to follow.
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