People have been leaving messages on bathroomwalls for thousands of years. Just google "ancientRoman bathroom graffiti." But we're not the onlyones to use latrines for information exchange—astwo German researchers have confirmed afterhundreds of hours watching lemurs pee and poop.For science.
Primatologists Iris Dr·scher and Peter Kappeler concentrated on seven sets of pair-bondedmembers of a species called white-footed sportive lemurs, at a nature reserve in southernMadagascar. Their report is in the journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.
灵长类动物学家Iris Dr·scher和Peter Kappeler将注意力集中在七对结为夫妇的白足运动型狐猴身上。这些狐猴生活在马达加斯加岛南部的一个自然保护区中。他们的报告发表在《行为生态学和社会生物学》杂志上。
Many animals use the same spots repeatedly to do their business, primates in particular. Forthese lemurs, a specific tree becomes the urine and feces focal point. And because chemicalcompounds in their waste transmit information, the so-called latrine tree becomes like abulletin board to post messages for the rest of the community.
Based on their 1,097 hours of observations, the researchers conclude that urine and glandularsecretions left on the tree trunk are the primary message vehicles. Feces mostly just collectson the ground.
Some urine telegrams are probably signals from a particular lemur to the neighbors that he orshe is around. But male lemurs upped their latrine visits when potential competitors forfemales came into their home area. So the frequent chemical messages left on the treeprobably say in that case, "Buzz off, buddy, she's with me." In lemur.
1.information exchange 信息交换
I start my discussion in this part with an informationexchange scenario, which demonstrates the use ofXML encryption.
在这一部分中,我以一个信息交换方案开始我的讨论,该方案演示了 XML 加密的用法。
2.pee and poop 大小便
Poop and pee have lots of germs in them, so we need to wash our hands every time after wego potty.
3.chemical compound 化合物
The most frequently detected chemical compound is water (HOH) with oxygen (O) as one of itsatoms.
最常检测到的化学化合物是 (HOH),氧 (O) 是它的一个原子。
4.bulletin board 公告栏
You might encourage them by posting a large, personally signed thank-you card to your cookson the employee bulletin board.
你可以通过在公告栏上张贴“感谢卡” 的方式——字体大,又你亲自签名——来鼓励他们。
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